chapter 60

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"D-did you hear that?" Cheryl says, moving closer to me.

"Report us? Why? Why would they need to report us, and to whom?" She's panicking now and not breathing properly.

"Babe, clam dowm. Maybe they need to report to the agency or something," I lied—deep down, I knew that wasn't the reason.

"Y-you think so?" Looking more relaxed, she asked.

"Positive." I kiss her head, pulling her closer to me.

My heart is beating faster than usual. I'm scared too, but I can't show it, or it'll freak Cheryl out more.

Since the very first minute, they have walked in. I had an awful feeling about them. It's been in the back of my mind. I tell myself, 'I'm just overthinking it' that I'm still shaken up from getting shot.

"Babe?... Baby?...Kimba?" I was so deep in my own head that I didn't hear Cheryl calling for me.

"Sorry ,what?" I said, blinking fast, trying to forget my thoughts.

"I said, I want us to go back," she pouted.

"I—what, why?" I sit up, pushing her off me.

"I don't want us here; I don't feel comfortable at all."

"Babe, look at me." I bring my hand to cup her chin and force her to look up.

"Hey, hey, come on, Chez, don't cry. We'll go; it's okay." I carefully wipe away the tears falling from her gorgeous brown eyes.

"I just wanted this weekend to be perfect," she says, letting out a loud sob.

"It's been perfect; we can always finish it at a nice restaurant." I offered her a smile.

"Sorry, Kimba," she said, collapsing in my arms.

"I hope you're saying sorry for making those beautiful eyes sad." I kiss her nose, making her crack a smile.

"Come on, let's turn this boat around." I clap my hands, pulling us both to our feet.

"Kimba! This isn't a boat," Cheryl rolled her eyes.

"Do that again, and I'll dump you in the ocean," I warned her, picking her up and throwing her over my shoulder.

"KIIIMMMBAAA-" she squeals, kicking her legs, trying to set free.

"Put us down; let's turn this boat around!" She mocks me with a cheeky laugh.

"That's it, Missy," I said, marching to the door with Cheryl still over my shoulder.

"No! No, no, no, please," she keeps repeating but laughing, so I know she's enjoying it.

"Say you're sorry." I'm standing near the edge, ready to throw her overboard, but I wouldn't do that to her.

"Kiss us first," she pouts, looking down at me. I slowly let her body slide down until she's on her tiptoes.

I kiss her, running my hands up and down her back. When I feel she's getting into the kiss, I quickly open my eyes and push her off the edge into the ocean.

All you hear is a loud squeal being cut short once our heads go underwater. I open my eyes immediately, swimming towards Cheryl.

I wrap my wraps around her tiny body and swim us up to the surface.
Her face was pure shock but soon turned into the most beautiful genuine smile ever, dimples cutting into her cheeks.

"Me wife just threw us off a damn yacht! She's tryna murder us!" Cheryl half-screams, the smile never leaving her face!

"I'm sorry, my love! I couldn't help myself." I scrunch my nose a little, reaching for her hand.

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