Chapter 51

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Kimba's POV

I woke up to a sting on my back; I don't have to think twice to know it was from Cheryl's actions from last night, girl is a right animal in bed. But hey im not even complaining. Sex with Cheryl is just- I don't even have words to describe it, she makes me feel feels no one's ever made me feel, something about her love knocks me off my feet takes me to a trip no another galaxy. I cant never get enough. I knew she screamed trouble from the moment we met but aint nothing like the feeling of that one, it piece of the puzzle aint no about it it's a good kind of trouble.

I really hope she doesn't break my heart, I know all she's done is show me how much I mean to her and how much she loves me but I cant shut up the little voice in the back on my mind telling me im not good enough for her, all my past partners have cheated on me, always looking for someone better than me, it doesn't takes much but still its hurts.

I shake my head trying to easer all those crazy thoughts of mine. I should be waking Cheryl up but I know she wont like it. she needs to get up and get ready to go on the road with Kay for their last show, I doubt Cheryl will enjoy all those long hours she has ahead.

Knowing if I want to keep her happy in the morning she needs to have her doze of coffee. Dragging myself out of this very uncomfortable floor, why did I think sleeping on the floor would be romantic? Laughing at myself I make my way to the back room of the theater, happy with what Rachel have brought us last night I make Cheryl her cup a coffee.

I put by hand through the hook of the gym bag with a change of clothes for us, carefully I take the two mugs in my hands and walk back to the center stage. I place them on the floor next to the pillow before waking Cheryl up.

"chez wake up we gotta go" I say shaking her gently

"hmm carry us kimba" she says turning her back to me.

"just let me get the car and I will" I tell her and she sits up looking at me weirdly.

"babe I was only joking" she smiles pouting for me to kiss her.

"muah baby, come on, gotta get going" I happily kiss her,

"alright but we gotta stop for-"

"coffee?" I cut her off, handing her the coffee.

"woah me woman is the best" she winks at me

"I have it bad Cheryl, you if told me to get on my knees I would" I surprised myself with the words coming out of my mouth; I have just told Cheryl she completely owns me. how stupid of me?"

"oh yea?" she smirks putting her coffee down and leading back in a sexy pose.

"Cheryl!" I warn her looking at the way she runs her hands up and down her bare legs.

"on your knees now!" she commands points at the floor, my throat has done dry.

"knees! Now!" she says again uncovering her naked body.

I get closer to her and get on my knees I see her smirking but before she gets a chance to say anything I grab her by the knees and pull her legs apart. I bring her closer to me; making her back hit the floor with a hash loud thud.

I hear her groan but I don't know if is due pain of her back hitting the hard floor or because my nails are digging into the tights.

I run my index finger on her center and wowza I am surprise how wet she is. I feel her twitch and I blow into her, I smirk knowing how much effect I have on her.

"ki-ahh fook" I don't even let her get a word one out, I slip my tongue in her and wagging it inside her. I would normally spent time loving her caressing her but I can show her I can be in control if I wanted to.

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