Chapter 4

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Cheryl's POV

"Chezzbomb I want the seat by the window" I hear Nicola said while giving our tickets to the flight attended.

"Nic, you are worst then a child" I said trying to get me handbag on me shoulder

"I want the window Cheryl" oh she is serious

"Fine, but when we're taking off I aint holding your hand pet" she's like a little kid when it comes to flying, she hates it and I don't know why she always sits on the window side.

Putting me headphones on when I hear the pilot said we're now taking off, I keep me eyes shut. Well semi-shut trying to watch Nicola, I want to laugh but then she'll know I'm awake. That's what she gets for wanting the window side.

"chezz" she whispers, but I don't respond or move

"chezzabear" she tries again tugging us on the shoulder

"mmm" it's all I said . I know she wants us to hold her hand but I'll give her a little bit of hard time for now

"c-could you hold my hand" she asks and I barely hear her.

" nic you wanted the window side"

"please bella" she said and aaghh she knows I can't say no when she calls us that. I open me eyes and turn to face her, she's giving us her best puppyeyes. I chuckled and she hits me arm.

"its not funny, chezz ! you know I hate flying" and now I laugh out loud

"yea well babe, you wanted to sit there, so next time I taking the seat on that side,okay" I said trying to sound serious.

"okay" she says and we both know it's a lie, she will end up fighting us for the window seat.

I hold her hand and geezz this girl is gonna cut the circulation on me poor hand. Once in the air I tried letting go of her hand but she holds it tighter.

"not yet Bella" I sing and keep holding her hand.. and few mins later she let go on my hand and I said.

"bloody hell Nicola you almost cut me hand off. Next time try not squeeze us too tight, please" shes about to say something but I stopped her.

"Oh yea that's right, it wont be a next time coz I'll get the window seat next" she looks at me in shock

"chezz I was-" cut her off again

" oh no no no missy, no more window seats for you, now let us get some rest- I am tired" closing my eyes I hear her say.

"okay chezz, thank you and love you" I smiled but don't respond she knows I love her.

I wake up a couple of hours later, look to me right and find me friend asleep with her beautiful red hair all over her face. I get up to go to the loo and on me way there I moved Nic's hair out of her face and turned off the little lamp over her head. I checked how much longer until we get to LA. Six hours, six more bloody hours! But it will all be worth it.


I'm bored and I don't know what to do, Nics still sleeping. Me minds goes four weeks back. The next day after the little accident with the paps.

"CHERYL ANN TWEEDY! GET YOUR LAZY ASS UP NOW! THIS IS THE LAST TIME" nic is shouting at us, but agh I am so tired I don't want to move. I know it's a big day but I can't help it me bed its way to comfy.

" I warned you little tweedy-doo" said Nicola and before I know I feel cold freezing water on me face.

"BLOODY HELL NICOLA, YOU FOOKER, WHY DA FOOK WOULD YOU DO THAT! I WAS GETTING UP, YOU KNOW!" I screamed, Im pretty pissed off and her laughing isn't really helping me mood.

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