Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

Cheryl's POV

"Nic, please put your phone away" I complain for the third time "you know how much I hate when people text and drive" I add.

She's been on her phone none stop and its really annoying. I have mine on silence mode not wanting to be bother the rest on the night.

Kim called again but ignored her call and since then she hasn't called back and I don't know how to feel about that.

I've been ignoring her calls and messages but the minute she stops I want her to call us again. Now that she's stopped calling us makes us think she's not missing us or she's not thinking of us which it's stupid I know.

"Bella, do you mind if I take a little detour?" Locking her phone Nic turns to me

"no babe, go for it" I fix me seat pushing it back a little.

"I wont be long but you can take a nap if you want" she changes to the line of the right before making a very very bad turn.

"I was going to but I don't think I'd be able to with you driving like that" I joke

"oi! It wasn't that bad" she says. Remarking the word bad.

I gave her a look and she breaks down laughing "okay okay it was quite bad" she admits.

"mmhmm" I fix me seat once more before closing me eyes.

A few minutes has gone by and I haven't had any success at napping. Im still awake but has me eyes close, Nic has the Radio on and she's signing along the songs.

She was a beautiful voice, Ive asked her so many times to collab with us but she doesn't want to, she was helped with some of me song writing too but she's too afraid to be in the spotlight and gets stage fright and rather stay behind the curtains with her little notepad and pencil designing.

I really hope in a few years she'll do her one clothing line because that girl has some mad skills maybe both Ray and her could work together.

I feel someone shaking me shoulder "Bella? Balla wake up we're home" Nic.

I open me eyes its getting dark down the sun its setting the cold breeze has picked up.

"shit- ouch" me neck hurts from sleeping on the car.

"Looks like the house is empty... again " I say to meself.

I would have thought kim would have been home by now or any of the girls for that matter but nope.

"chezcake, the twins left their stuff grab it from the back seat I got the rest" I hear Nic shout.

"alright babe" I shout back.

I do as I'm told and grab the twins' clothes and head up the front door.

"what the fuck?" Nic just shut the door on me fucking face.

"Nicola!!" I shout knocking on the door.

"sorry it shut itself close" she says opening the door.

Well, she opens it a little just wide enough for her to slip between the door frame of the door.

"hmm what's going on?" I pull me browns together

"oh you know just changing the way I open doors" she tries being funny.

"Nicola" I warned

"OH MY GOD LOOK" she points behind us and I turn around to see what she is pointing at but there is nothing.

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