Chapter 57

527 20 15

Kimba's POV

"You and me naked outside, under the stars" I try to explain more

"But the sand" she pouts

"Babe, we'll put the table cloths is we have to but I am making your fantasy come true" bit down on her bottom lip making her moan and groan at the same time.

"Hmm, out now!" she says taking her lip intern her fingers rubbing her sore lip, shite maybe I went too far ?

"Uuhh chilly" I shiver when I step out the tent

" A Pillow and a duvet baby" she winks pulling a pillow and a blanket out of a bag, she really did think of everything.

"I love you" it came out of nowhere but I still meant it.

"Love you too girlfriend" gosh it still feels so amazing hearing her call me that.

"Ashley always thought this was stupid" Cheryl says placing down the pillow on the sand.

I try to ignore what I've just heard, I don't understand why she would even bring him up, why she would even think of mentioning him, was she thinking of him when she was kissing me ? thinking it was his body and not mine? is she still not over him? why am I even thinking of this?

"He was all about the sex, the control in bed, you know-"

"Yes Cheryl I know, I slept with him too!!" I shouted, I have had enough of her going on about her stupid her boyfriend well our stupid ex boyfriend!


"don't kimba me now Cheryl! why are you even mentioning him!!?" I throw my hands in the air now bothering to even cover up "we're naked, about to have seex and you're talking about your ex- no actually OUR ex!!" I don't even let her respond I just walk away I don't even know where in walking to but I'm sure a hell don't want to be near her right now!

For fooks sake! talking about him as fookin If man!

" KIMBA!!" I hear her shout I fasten my pace and there it is "Kim!!" Another shout from Cheryl, her breathing is heavy so it only means she's behind me.

"Cheryl" I stop and take a deep breath "leave me alone!" I turn around to see Cheryl carrying a big bag making her look completely adorable, even when I'm extremely pissed off at her she finds a way to melt my heart.

"Say it again and-"she drops the bag and wipes the tiny little sweat drops that are barely forming on her forehead "and I'll leave you alone" she holds my stare and of course I'm the weak one who has to look away

I start walking again but she grabs me by the wrist "he said it was stupid, he said I was stupid" she says again but this time she diverts her eyes to the sand "at first he was all sweet and stuff you know, always making us treating us like a princess-"

"Cheryl" I warn, why is she telling me this? its actually hurting me

"No kimba, let us speak. come sit with us" she says but it comes out more as a question than an statement.

"Ok" I sigh

Cheryl lets go off my hand and goes to get the bag she had before and pulls out that damn pillow and blanket.

I watch as she extends the blanket on the sand, shes using rocks to prevent the blanket blowing away by the wind.

"Come" she reaches for my hand, I don't have the heart to reject her so I give it and hold her hand.

I sit down first then she follows sitting close to me, just a few centimeters and shed be sitting on me.

She grabs my hand. warping my arm around her body, her head resting on my shoulder.

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