Chaper 27

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Kimba's POV

I wake up and I for a fact know it is way too early to be up, especially not after a night like last night, drank like I have never drank before. If it wasn't for mine and Cheryl's little slip if you cant call it that, I would have been suffering a mega killer handover. I was sobered up right away, I knew exactly what we were doing yet I didn't stop it, and I am sure she was sober enough to know where everything was heading down, literally. I am kind of glad she tried to stop it, although it was a bit too late, I came before I even thought I was going it. It was all really fast and honestly, I surprised myself at how fast Cheryl made me reached my highest point.

Sex with Justin and Ashley was, erm how do I put this? It was dreadful, repulsive, and repugnant you could say and sometimes even irksome. I mean, I did fake a lot of orgasms just to get it over with, and did all my best to make them reach their highest in the most minimum way ever.

Funny how it took them forever to even make me want them, make me want to have a sexually relationship but with Cheryl it was like I was so turned by just one look, one touch, one little kiss. I know I haven't got any for like a month or so now but I know it was Cheryl's touch that made me feel the way I felt, which was pretty fucking amazing. Weirdly, I feel like it was the best I ever had, even if it was for three seconds as Cheryl would say.

I smiled reached my face, she makes me happy, like if I was brought back to this life to enjoy it with her, and we did save each other's lives, after all.

I turn to my side, well tried anyways- Cheryl is soundly sleeping. Her head was rested on my chest using it as a pillow, just like she used to do when we were at the hospital. Seems like she likes to do so, I find her very cuddly, which I think it's beyond cute.

Her hair is all over her face, her arm around my stomach and our legs are slightly tangled up. I use my hand to remove the hair on her face and she crunches her cute little nose a little. I let out a little giggle and for a minute I think she was going to wake up but luckily she didn't.

My arm is giving me a lot of trouble right now, the pills chez got me help me a little but I kept waking up due the pain. I detangled my legs from Cheryl's and I try moving out of her embrace trying hard not to wake her up. I don't think she would be happy if I did, neither would the other girls.

I successfully got out of the bed without waking her up; I make my way downstairs headed to the kitchen. The house is dead ass quiet; everyone must be sleeping their hangover through.

I turned the stove on and put water to boil, knowing Ray and Katy are the coffee type of girls, as for Saz, Nadz, and Nic are the ones to drink tea for their hang over, and I am guessing Cheryl is the same as they are all from around the same area.

I have now made the girls breakfast, I have known them long enough to know exactly what they like after rough night. I make Nic and Chez the basic, scrambled eggs, toasts, hash browns, and a cut in half sausage, with a glass of orange juice., since I don't know what they prefer.

I managed to cut some fruits and pour Greek frozen yogurt on top of it with sprinkles of sugar all over it and placing it on the table before walking to the bathroom under the stairs to look for some painkillers when I hear something I was not expecting to hear.

"ohh kimbers must have been up " I hear Sarah says

"yea gotta love that girl, bet she's got our food out and ready to eat" responded Nadz

"I am quite hungry, but I would rather be eating you, you know like last night" I hear sarah laughs follow but what I am sure was a slap on her arm.

"Shh Sarah, kim might hear" nadz try to sound serious failed as I hear them both giggle.

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