chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Kimba's POV

Its my birthday, my 26th birthday to be exact and I had completely forgotten about it. Usually the girls would make a big fuss about it but oddly enough they didn't really seem to be bothered about it today, not a text or even a call from them. Maybe they forgot too, I mean we've had some pretty crazy days. Partying for my birthday was the least of the worries. I wonder how Cheryl found out, I sure as hell didn't tell her, I asked her for her age she said she was 24 but she never asked me for mine.

We've been lying in bed for quite some time now, after we kissed for what it felt forever we just stayed in bed wrapped in each other's arms. It's silence in the room you could hear a needle hit the ground. Cheryl's breathing has even up, letting me know she's fallen asleep.

She's got her head resting on me bare chest and her little arm across my stomach; I have both of my arms wrapped around her tiny little figure. The hotel sheet is the only thing covering half of her back so I'm slowly rubbing her it. I cant help but noticed what it feels to be a scar on her left shoulder blade. I move up a little a bit to be able to see it and seem to be a knife scar.

Whenever I started a conversation about her past she would smartly turned it around on me, which I did the same and changed subject. I guess I'm not the only one to have had a bad childhood situations when younger.

The thought of someone hurting her bring a weird, odd feeling to my stomach, I cant bare to think someone might off stabbed her. I kiss her head and hug her a bit too tight. I feel her stir a little bit so I relax my arms around her and close my eyes.

Cheryl's asleep and I'm starting to slowly drift off, when I feel her gentle, little kisses on my bare chest. I swear, she lips are the softest lips ever! Her kisses are soft and gentle not like the kisses with Ash or J, they were just rough and with zero care in them. When Cheryl kisses you, she makes you feel loved, cared, and gives you the best feeling ever. she makes sure she puts so much more meaning into a kiss, not even words could explain.

Enjoying her little kisses I keep my eyes closed, not wanting to give away that I, indeed am awake.

"you're so beautiful" she whispers between kisses "falling in love with you would be so easy, oh but so risky" she finishes with a sad sigh.

"you know, I've never felt attracted to any other woman in me life, you have something, something I can't quite put me finger on. but I want that something, I want all you have. It might be crazy, hell all this is bizarre but I like crazy, I want crazy, and Kimba you make us go crazy" woah I feel like a total jerk for making her believe I'm asleep.

"it's scary too, yano" chez continues " it hasn't been that long since we've met, and I already feel like I like you more than I probably should. I mean, I should be heartbroken, crying me eyes out at the fact that me fiancée was living a double life with you. But I am not as hurt as I was before, and that's all thanked to you. You make us forget about the pain he caused because it was all him, he cheated on us. you even defended us Kimba, that's how amazing you are." She places a kiss on my lips and I don't know if I should kiss her back or not. I feel her little hands cup my face and press her lips on mine a bit harder than before.

This time I open my eyes, and I see myself reflected in those amazing, brown eyes of hers.

"hey" I says, she's still has her hands on my face.

"hi" she says with a shy smile.

I bring my hands to cup hers; giving her a tiny kiss I turned on my side so I can see her face better. Immediately, she starts stroking my cheek with her thumb, and I do the same.

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