Chapter 12

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Kim's POV

"Kay meet Cheryl, Cheryl this is my little sister Kim" Katy says and I am staring at Cheryl in complete shock. And judging but the look of her face she is just as shock as I am. It's like a staring contest, either of us have said anything but if my jaw didn't hit the ground then I think it just fucking did. "and she will be living us for the next couple of weeks" Katy finish and my eyes go wide and it's like I am rooted to the floor but then it clicks. Katy has been ignoring me to be with Cheryl. She said she was busy working but no all I see is two glasses filled with wine and a bottle on the table. How dare she says she is busy working when she is not, I'm in fucking need for a talk with my big sister but she is too busy getting drunk with the girl who well has somehow something to do with the way I'm feeling. Im no longer shocked, I am fucking pissed off.

"so you've been fucking ignoring me because youre too fucking busy getting fucking shit faced wasted with her? how fucking cool eh? I fucking needed you Katy, I needed my fucking sister but seems like are no longer that! you are too fucking busy drinking expensive wine" I stop to breath. I have never used the word fucking so many times, she tries to talk but I aint even fucking done yet. "No let me fucking finish. I've been having the worst fucking time of life and I called to tell you and you didn't even take 5 minutes to listen to me! I don't even know who you are anymore" and with that I turned to leave but she stops me.

"Kimberley" she starts and I feel like my blood is boiling.

"No, don't you fucking dare call me that! don't fucking touch me" I said thick tears falling down my cheeks. I cannot believe she just said my name in front of Cheryl. No one knows that's my name I always say Kim is my name. but now she was fucking said it front of a stranger.

"Kim im sorry I-I didn't mean it, I am sorry, please listen. I did call you the night after the game but you never answered me I even called Adam coz you didn't answered. I was upset and I needed to talk to you coz you are the only one that gets me but you weren't there for me so it upset me and my work I promise you, I swear to I've been pretty busy. Tonight is the only night I have not worked, and we are drinking because Cheryl's fiancée cheated on her with some low ass tramp" I stopped listening to her, I feel like I've just been stabbed multiples times by my own sister. "and that's why she's staying with us" she finishes and I am about to say something but Cheryl speaks first.

"I should leave" is all she said but no, she does not get to leave. No fucking way.

"well if you weren't too fucking busy ignoring me you would have known that the tramp her fiancée" I said pointing at Cheryl " cheated on her with, yea that tramp was me" and to say Katy was shocked would be an understatement. Her eyes and her mouth were wide open. My tears are freely falling down, Im not even trying to hide them.

"Kay I-" I don't let her finish

"No Katy, don't! Leave me be alone! PLEASE" I begged and she nods. I'm running up stairs but I stop at the top and look down. Katy is sitting and has her head in her hands, Cheryl looks up to me with watery eyes. I don't even know why she's crying. I turned around and headed straight to my room.

I cant stop crying, my makeup is all over the pillow. My head hurts, my eyes hurt, my stomach hurts and I am for gasping for air. I cant help but wondered why was Cheryl crying? The argument was between Katy and I. and the way she looked at me when I was on top the stairs made my heart skip a beat. It was the most sincere and most apologetic look someone has ever given to me. As if she is saying sorry for the pain I'm in, like if she was the one who caused it. But, why though? I mean yes she has tiny bit to do with the fact that Ashley broke my heart but it wasn't her who did the damaged plus why does she even care how im feeling? She doesn't know me, she hasn't given the chance to get to know me. It seems like She can only talk to me when she is drunk. Like really though, I do not get her.

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