Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Kimba's POV

"oh new face, what's your name gorgeous" I hear Tre say handing Cheryl a drink

"Me name is Cheryl" she replies, giving him a massive dimple smile, the ones that make you fall for, instantly.

"what a gorgeous name, suits your perfectly" he flirts. And I feel like punching him in the face.

I've trying to have fun and block Cheryl out of my mind, but its no use. In many occasions I found myself looking for her and I didn't stop until my eyes settled on her.

I need to stop Tre from flirting with her, she my girl, my chezza.

"oh Cheryl, I totally forgot you were here" I lied and I can see the hurt in her eyes, I want nothing more than just hug her and kiss her, tell her Im jealous of Tre hitting on her.

"don't worry Kim, ill keep her company" says Tre, winking at Cheryl. I don't even know why he's here. We don't like each other; since we first met we hated each other. But I gotta put up with him since he's Alexis's big brother. Oh Lexis! She is a good excuse to get Cheryl talking to me again.

"He's just a flirt" I whisper in Lex's ear, referring to Tre.

"I know shall we save her?"

"yea, lets go dance" I said getting a hold of her hand.

"LETS GO DANCE" lexis shouts and everyone stands up expect Cheryl and tre, great.

"come on" she says standing her hand out for Cheryl to take " lets dance and ill introduce myself, seeing our Kimmy has no manners" she finish and I am prying she takes it.

"thanks babe, but me feet are killers" Cheryl replies.

"aww come on Chezza, dance with the birthday girl" I said, pouting, I know she can't say no to that.

"aahhhh okayyyy" she says and grabs Lexis's hand.

I see Tre is about to get up to come dance with us, but I stop him.

"Tre, I think your buddy Brad erm Bradw-"

"Bradwen? The Welsh dude is here?"

"yea, yea I saw him over there" I said pointing at the other side of the room. And he makes a run for it. To be honest, I hadn't seen him nor think he's here but whatever, you know the saying, all is fair in love and war or something like that.

I follow the girls getting a hold of Cheryl's hand, since Lex is leading the way. she looks back at me and gives me sad smile. I know I hurt her by saying I had forgotten about her, but jealousy is a bitch and you can't control what comes out of your mouth.

We're in the middle of the dance floor and I realize I haven't introduced Lex to Cheryl. So I move closer to Cheryl, putting my hand around her, I feel her flinch a bit but I ignore it.

"Chezz meet Lexi, one of my best friends ever" I shout over the music "and Lex meet Cheryl my, my um-" oh shit what do I say? Friends? Girlfriend ?

"I'm Alexis, Kim's secrete lesbian lover" lex said hugging Cheryl, thank go because I didn't know what I was gonna say.

I heard Cheryl laugh, and then it goes completely mute. I only see Cheryl's mouth move but can quite read what she's saying.

I really hope Cheryl knows Lex was totally kidding when she said she was my lover, sure she's gorgeous but she aint my type. Cheryl is the only girl I have eyes for, right now, Even if she totally ignores me in public.

I've trying to make as much body contact as possible with Cheryl to let her know I am only interested in her but she somehow brushes me off with her amazing moves. And, I'm not the only one that's been impressed with Chezza's moves, Lexi has been trying to copy her moves but fails every time.

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