Chapter 59

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Chapter 59

"So in like an hour they'll be here, and we'll go on a boat" Cheryl tells me

She's been going on about this private yacht she's hired and whatnot. I've just nod at everything she's saying, not even paying attention. She's in one of those funny moods that talks none stop, I love her but geez, she won't shut up.

"Kimba- are you even listening to us?"

"What-wha umm yea" I tried but she's not buying it "ugh okay no, sorry I spaced out" I lied, I literally cannot remember what she's even talking about

"Are you sick of us already?" She asks, looking a bit upset

"What no, babe no!" I tell her truthfully " I could never get sick of you! I love you way too much" I wrap my arms around her,  kissing her bare shoulder

"Then what is it? You've been ignoring us, kimba be honest with us please?"

"Babe look at me-chez"  she's hiding her face from me and I know she's about to cry

It's like she's insecure about her, and I don't get why! She's completely stunning, I wouldn't change her for the word

"Please look at me" I said again, loosing up my grip so she can turn around to face me

"We can leave you know" she's facing me but her eyes keep shifting from the water to the sky, never me.

"I don't want to go, I want so stay here with my beautiful girlfriend" I bring my thumb to catch the perfectly diamond shaped tear falling off her eyes "please don't cry, Chez"

"I just-"  we lock eyes and she just sobs into my chest

"Babe, baby, come on its okay" I said kissing her head and rubbing her back, trying to give  her a little bit of comfort.

"I'm sorry" she mumbles

"Don't,  s'okay! Just tell me what's the matter?" I asked, sitting us both on the sand

"I'm just I don't know, scared?" She quietly says

"Can you tell me why you're scared?" I asked, as gentle as possible, I kind of know why but I'd rather have her tell me

"Scared that you'll  leave us" she bows her head, as more tears  keep falling

"Cheryl" I sigh

"I know we've just gotten together, but trust me babe I want spend all my life with you-no, let me speak, I know that's cheesy as fck, but I really do mean it. I love you and this love I have for you is nothing like I had felt before, not with anyone, it's so strong it sometimes physically hurts! I- just let me finish please, I need you to understand I wont leave you. You make me feel so much, I didn't think I would  find the forever and always kinda of love, and with you, I honestly think-know this is it"

"Kimba you-"  she says quickly trying to cut me off but i just continue my declaration of love, I guess you can call it!

"Justin, Lindsay, and Ashley never made me feel how I feel when I'm around you, I get butterflies when I'm with you, every time we kiss I feel like flying, I still get nervous when I'm around you, I always try to do my best for you, I-um- I try hard to impress you, to keep you interested in me because I am so scared actually no scratched that, I'm mortified of losing you! I don't ever wanna lose you, I finally know what real  love feels like and I never want to lose that" by the end I hadn't realized I had closed my eyes, I feel the dampness on my cheeks and the salty-taste-like on my lips.

"I love you so much Cheryl, I just want to spend all my life loving you, it's weird coz If someone would have told me all this after just a few days of being together, i woulda been so freaked out and I understand if you are but just dont be scared about me leaving you because that's never gonna happened, not if I have something to do with it" I sniffed away the tears, or at least tried too

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