Chapter 54

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Kimba's POV

"babe, wake up, I have ordered us some breakfast" I woke up to Cheryl's deep morning voice.

"hmm" I groan turning away from here and covering my face with the pillow

"kimba come on , please! We have a flight to catch to- ah shite almost slip there" so close, so close to getting her to tell me where she's taking me.

"Cheryl we have no clothes can you at least tell me where we going so I can have one of the girls get us some clothes?" I asked, I've never like surprises, I only like them when im the one doing the surprise otherwise it drives me insane not knowing.

"its alright babe, those jeans and top will do just fine" she winks

"ugh" I let my fall back on the bed.

"kimba! get your ass up!" she shouts from the bathroom.

It takes me a few minutes to actually get outa bed, I don't even know why im so tired, like so so tried! A total zombie

"chez im tired can we just cuddle?" I asked hopefully

"babe we can cuddle on the plane, or  we can call a cab if you too tired to drive?" that suggestion doesn't sound too bad, so I agree, I agree to call a cab, at least I'll get some proper cuddle time with her.

I can't seem to get enough of her, its crazy to think that just months I was with Ashley, thinking of my future with him and now Im in bed waiting for his ex-fiancée to emerge the bathroom because she's taking a surprise get away.

I am beyond blessed with the people that are in my life, they have accepted my sexuality and my relationship with Cheryl. I first thought my little brother Adam would have been against it but he was very supportive, even said to look after Cheryl or he'll wife her.

I wonder what mum must think of this, I hope she's okay with be being with a woman, I mean I am happy, the happiest I ever been so im sure that's what matters to her. I daren't to think how Kay's parents are going to react when they find out, it won't be for a while though, I really don't think we're ready to go public.

"kimba come on!" Cheryl wanks me  with a pillow, I didn't even hear her coming out of the bathroom or I would acted as if I was getting ready or something.

I sit up and grab her by her shoulder bringing her down with me; I wrap my arms and legs around her making it impossible for her to move.

"can my girlfriend just please give me a quick cuddle" I asked, I don't know why but I have need to have her in my arms.


"please Cheryl, just five minutes" I said my voice breaking a little.

All this thinking have made me emotional, I cant control my feelings, Cheryl doesn't say anything, just hugs be back.

I tried to hold back tear but I failed, a sob escapes my lips, Cheryl lifts her head off my chest and wipes way my tears.

"babe?" she asks but I just shake my head, I don't even know why im crying,  I feel stupid.

"just hug me" mumbled, she looks at me with a sad smile but hugs me anyways.

Her head is on the crook of my neck and her hand is drawing lazy circles on my arm.

After I have cried my eyes out i noticed a sleeping Cheryl in my arms. She is so adorably cute; I cannot believe how lucky I am to call her mine.

Ashley was a right dumfook for letting her and breaking her heart, but why am I even complaining? She's here in my arms, thanks to him.

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