Chapter 56

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Chapter 56

Kimba's POV

Even if my back it's killin me right now and I am beyond uncomfortable, I refuse to recline my seat. Cheryl and I keep exchanging looks, I wasn't the only one who got negative vibes from the two men in black and I don't want to piss then off by pushing back the seat.

I put my arm around Cheryl and try to make us both a bit more comfortable, there's no way I'll enjoy the rest of flight, we've only been on the air like 30 minutes and I already want to get off .

"you cold babe?" I asked Cheryl but it's obvious she's cold; she's cuddling me and her hands are under my top.

"here, this will help" I put my jacket on her and bring her closer to me.

"thanks kimba" she softly kisses my neck, right on the spot.

"chez!" I warm, squirming underneath her touch.

"I'm very cold, why dontcha help us warm up, aye?" she takes my earlobe between her teeth, making me swallow dry.

Her hands are slowly working themselves up my body, digging her nails as they go.

"I Um- erm- just ummm" I bite my bottom lip to suppress my moan.

"so how about that bathroom idea?" She pushes it and I'm so close to giving in but sex in a plane's cubicle it's just burgh.

"chez-umm- no! No, get off me" I push her off and she starts laughing her head off.

"B!tch!! You absolute B!tch!" I pinch her arm making whine in pain

"ow! Don't pinch us!" She pouts

"that'll teach ya" I pout at too

"ugh put that away! And HA! I had you going just then, dirty dirty kimba tut tut tut" she shakes her head, smirking at me.

"as$face" I kiss her cheek and take her in my arm again.

"love you t-" she gets cut off by her own self yawning, looking extremely cute.

"I'm so tired, me feet are killin' " she complains

"I'm not surprise babe, you danced through your whole performance" I say rubbing her knee, she nods and snuggles closer to me, I know she just want me to shut up so she can sleep until we land.

I sigh, looking down at Cheryl, who's already soundly sleeping, even with these two jerkfaces behind us she still managed to fell asleep.

I wish I could sleep but for some reason I feel like I gotta stay up and look after Cheryl, I have to make sure she's okay until we land or until she wakes up.

"God" I chuckle to myself, I'm that kind of girlfriend, staying up watching her sleep, like a total psycho.

My mind goes back to Rihanna, why would she ask Cheryl to be a supporting act on her tour? I mean Cheryl gained lots of fans by being on Kay's tour, she's gotten up there with her fans and she's already well known so I don't think going on another tour is a good idea, I mean too much work could be very overwhelming for her, not good for her.

Oh who am I kidding? I just don't want Cheryl to be near Rihanna, or Rihanna near Cheryl, I know she'll catch up onto mine and Cheryl's relationship and I am not sure if she'll keep the secret and honestly I am not ready to come out.

Yes I do love Cheryl, I love her so very much, and even though my closest friends know I'm Bi, I don't want other people knowing and meddling in my life and my relationship, judging without knowing a thing, not to mention Cheryl's career, I wouldn't want to ruin it for her, I mean she is massive in the UK, I daren't to think how much shit she'd get, and I cannot put Cheryl through that all or is she even would wanna through all that because of what we have, maybe she'd want an out.

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