Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

Cheryl's POV

Finally its Christmas morning! After a very crazy-busy day yesterday we managed to finish everything for today. Who would have thought preparing for Christmas was so damn tiring! As soonest as Kimba's arm wrapped around us, I fell asleep.

Back at home, I would have never done what I did last night, its always Nic's parents who did all the work, I just showed up for dinner, but no not here!

Here I had to actually do some work, which I admit, I did enjoy. Running around the house trying to put the decorations up, being laughed at because I'm too short and couldn't really reach most of the time, but Kimba being the amazing person she is, she would defend us and tell the others to back off, pouting every time the girls would give her a cheeky answer, making her look absolutely adorable.

Speaking of Kimba, yesterday I got to see a completely different side of her. She and Katy are really close, proper sisters! You wouldn't know they weren't blood related, and even thought she younger than Katy, she's the one that calls the shots around the house. I learnt that the hard way.

"Kimba she won't let us out the star up top of the tree" I pout.

Katy and I have been arguing about whos gonna to put the star on top of the tree, and hell I aint backing off I want to do and I will do it. I'll use me best puppy dog eyes and pout on Kimba, and she'll cave in.

"oh put that pout away Cheryl" katy says hitting us on the arms.

"Kay, come on! its my turn, Adam did it last year" she pouts, and now its me turn to hit her.

"Kay she just hit me" katy shouts and this gets kimba's attention. She's been ignoring both us, helping Nic wrapped one last present.

"alright you two break it off" she comes to us getting in between Katy and I.

"but Kimba she hit us first" I flutter me eyelashes.

"did you Kay?"


"did you" Kimba asks again.

"yea, but she hit me back. Come on kay its my turn" damn katy, stick her bottom lip out.

"if you let us do it, I'll meet ya in the bathroom in five" I seductively whisper In her ear, putting me hand up her top.

"that's nasty low" katy gasps "you cant offer her sex in return" she continues.

"oh but I can" I smirked "so what do you say babe?" I turned to Kimba.

"hmm sounds good" she mutters

"ha" I flip Katy off.

"Nic babe, come here a sec" Kimba says.


"be a doll and help me put the star please?" she asks

Katy and I imminently get up of the floor and dash to grab the start but failing when Kimba moves it out of the way.

"no no no no kimba no" I begged.

"noooo please kay" Katy says after us.

"yea, gladly" Nic smirks, lucky bitch.

"Now you two, go put those boxes away" she commands.

"NO!" katy and I stubbornly say.

"wh-what was that?" she questions.

"No, you don't have to worry we'll do it right away" Katy answers and I look at her in terror.

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