Chapter 30

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Cheryl's POV

Kimba's been quiet for a while, from time to time I feel her eyes on us but I don't dare to look back. What happened in the backroom has left us a bit apprehensive, I know I was quite confidante there but if im honest I was shittin' meself. Kim has some sort of control over us, If she asked us to jump off a bridge I would. Okay, maybe that's exaggerating a little bit but you get what I mean.


"yes, pet?

" I thought you were sleeping"

"nah, babe. Just thinking..." looking outa the window close me eyes.


"stuff" I don't want her to know I've been thinking, especially not when she is the main thought on me head.

"oh" at this at turn to face her is ahh she was that pout, I cannot resist it.

"about what happened earlier" I said with a sigh.

"im sorry" she bowed her head.

"don't, I just I don't even know" its true, I don't even know what's going on.

"im sorry"

"stop saying sorry" I let out a frustrated sigh

She doesn't say anything else, and now I feel angry with meself, I have upset her. The last thing I want is to upset her and ruin this date. I don't want things to be awkward, I actually wanna have fun the rest of the day. Enjoy the time I have with her before I have to share her with everyone else tonight.

I gotta make it up to her if I want her to have a good night, tonight.

"Kimba?" no respond

I first I think she's sleeping but I cant see the way her chest moves up and down when she breaths that tell my she is awake. She is just upset at us.

"babe?" I tried again but nothing

I unbuckled me seatbelt and move closer to her placing me hand on her knee.

"babe, sorry. please, don't be in a mood with us, it just confuses us, scared us too" trailed at the end- if im honest it does scared me a bit. These feelings Kimba is makin us feel are new feelings to us.

"why you scared?" she asked placing her hand on top of mine

"cause' all this" I waved me hand between Kimba and I

"you don't gotta be scared" I just nod looking down our hands

"Chez, when are we going to have the walk?" she asked, squeezing me hand a bit

"tonight, I promise" I said smiling, showing off me dimples

"cutie" Kimba says poking me cheeks.

"eeekkkk we're almost there" I said realizing we are almost to the destination I have picked for Kimber and meself

"childish" she smirked as she saw the view from her window

"hey!! Its gonnabe soo much fun!" I said smiling like a total idiot.

"gosh, you are seriously the cutest ever" she grabbed me cheeks leaning in for kiss but stopped herself.

I smiled and give her a small peck on the lips before turning to look out of the window. I think me jaw hit the ground when I saw the start of the beach and all the rides on the side walk.

"Gorgeous" I whispers

"very" I hear Kimba say and when I turned I locked eyes contact with her, blushing a little when I realized she was referring to us and not the view.

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