Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Kimba's POV

"chez- I- what?" I tried to from words but its impossible

"Close your mouth babe, and hurry up" Cheryl smiles and pulls me by my arm leading me to the front door of an Ann Taylor shop.

"gotta got to the back room and relax before we go into the exciting bits" she says entering the door.

The store is empty, no costumers or employees, well expect for the two that is.

"Cheryl did y-" she cuts me off

"yes babe, the whole is store is just for us" she winks and my hands flies right to my mouth is shock.

"wh- why"

"follow me" said the brunette girl in black pants, white long-sleeve shirt, and a black blazer.

Following the girl Cheryl speaks up again.

"ill tell you later now come on time for a much needed massage" she blessed me with one of her irresistible winks that makes me forget everything

Uh she said massage.

Following the lady to the back room, like an exciting little girl in a toy store. The store was full of amazing dresses, not to mention Ann Taylor is my all-time favorite designer, well apart from my little ginge friend, whom I've seen work really hard on her designs that are pretty admirable.

Once the backroom's door opens, we are faced with two massage tables that are nearly next to each other, an amazing vanilla scent that relaxes me right away. Rose petals in a crystal clear bowl aside with oils and the plate with the hot rocks, little candles are lit up and the room is a bit dark, but not too dark, romantic like.

I turned to Cheryl and her face probably matches mine, wide open with a big smile on.

"here ma'am, take your clothes off and put this one, we'll be back shorty" a red-haired woman tells Cheryl, hanging her two white bathrobes. The two ladies exited the room and I throw myself at Cheryl, wrapping her in a big hug.

"air- I need- air" she chuckles and I release her from her hug, just to plant a sweet delicate kiss on her lips

She seems a bit taken back by my actions and to be honest so am I. I had no control over it, whatsoever.

"Amazing eh" she smiles and I'm not sure if she's talking about the room or the kiss but either way I agree with her.

"yes, very" I smiled taking off my shades.

"do you need help getting out of that tee" she asks and I cant help to look at her and smile. she is so freaking cute and adorable I cant even cope. She is always worried about me, making sure I don't get my arm even more damaged.

"I think I can managed, if not I'll tell ya"

"okay" is all she says before turning around and taking her top off, chucking it to the little chair on the corner.

I let out a little gasp are my eyes came in contact with her bare back. How can someone be so stunning? And her tats are making me go crazy.

I was too lost with dirty thoughts of her that I didn't even realized she had now taken off her shorts and is standing in front of me half naked. Again my sight is drawn down to her back and I noticed she has little back dimple, I don't think she can get any more attractive.

WRONG, she bends over to pick of her shorts and shows me a very VERY nice view of her cute little ass oh but so sexy.

I was cut off my thought by a very cocky "take a pic it'll longer" from my sexy little British crush.

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