Chapter 21

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Cheryl's POV

After watching the sunrise we headed back to Kimba's bed. It felt so right having her arm around us, when we were watching the sun rise. Everything around us seemed to fade. It was just Kimba and I, no one else. Yes, we were the only two people in the room but it still felt as if the world had disappeared.

I have been lying awake for quite some time now; Kimba fell asleep a while ago. As much as I want stay in bed with her and wait until she is up, I can't. I should probably switch to me bed; I don't want the others walking in on us. As if you're having sex Cheryl...

I must have fallen asleep because I am awake but a beautiful sound... Kimba's laugh. That woman has such a sexy laugh that makes me knees go weak. What am I even saying?

"Sarah you have been corrupting my sweet little Ray" I hear Kimba said, I can tell she's smiling. This brings a warm fuzzy feeling to me stomach. Why am I feeling like this? Do I fancy Kim? if I do, I shouldn't, I am straight and I barely know her. Maybe is just admiration? I mean, she is gorgeous and such an amazing person. I broke off me thought by the one and only Sarah.

"OH PLEASE SHE IS WORSE THAN ME" woah she really is fookin loud. How can Kimba put up with her?

"Sarah keep it quite! Chezza- I mean Cheryl is sleeping" aw she called us Chezza. Can't help but smile at her cuteness. The girls don't seem to notice this because they keep on chatting away.

After a few minutes of listening to the girls chat I decided to let them know I'm awake. I turned to me side before opening me eyes and once I do, I am met Kimba's eyes. She gives us a sweet smile that melts me wee heart, and me stomach is doing thousands flips.

"morning sleepy head" she sweetly say, sitting up.

"hiya" I managed to cracked. Why am I feeling this way? I am all of the sudden nervous to be around her.

"how would you sleep?" Kimba questioned

"erm g-good, and y-you?" I stuttered

"Amazing" she gives me a cheeky smile. Is she flirting with us? nah, she just being friendly.

"I need the loo" I said before rushing into the bathroom.

Oh my! Look at the state I am! I look disgusting; I need Nicola's amazing services right now.

"fook" I cursed meself! I forgot me bloody mobile in the room.

"Saaarahhh" I called, peeking through the bathroom door.

"yes chezza" she mocked in Kimba's accent.

"Would you pass us me mobile please pet" I said, trying not to laugh at her poor attempt of sounding like Kimba.

"of course Chezza" she smirked.

"bitch" I heard Kim mumbled.

"Here ya go"

"Thanks" I quickly replied, shutting the door right away.

I turned the tap of the water on so the girls don't hear us on the phone with Nic.

"NIC" I said, a bit too loud.

"woah Bella, easy" Nic chuckles

"sorry babe"

"alright, what you ringing for?"

"can you please bring us a presentable out and make up please"

"what for Chez? You are in a hospital" shit what do I say? I cant tell her the real reason.

"but im going home today, we don't the pappz catching us looking poorly, now do we?" good cover Cheryl.

"Oh that's right, okay ill grab something sexy, but casual"

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