chapter 38

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Chapter 38

Cheryl's POV

"Bella babe, Liz is ready to start with your hair" Nicola shouts from the little couch in me dressing room.

You see, after I told Kimba that me manager wanted us back home she didn't stop until she got Katy to agreed that I'd to be her opening act every night for the rest of the tour. Just thinking about it brings a smile to me face. Kimba was such a pain dragging me around telling everyone how I was going to be America NBT.

"oi chezcake hair now" Nicola orders, bringing us back to reality.

"ok ok" I said throwing me arms in the air and walking to the chair for Liz to get start on me hair.

"So Cheryl you excited? Last concert before Christmas then back on the 7th for the big final show' Liz says drying me hair.

"Aye I am pet, its been amazing so far but I don't think me wee feet can take more" I laugh.

As much as I love dancing and performing these past weeks Ive been busting me ass trying to make everything perfect for the night and Katy being the amazing person she is, she extended every night to give us more time to interact with the audience or she would call us in during her performance and to a free style with us.

I gotta say, the US public has responded pretty fooking great to me music. And well, me management are very pleased with what I have achieved so far. They really do think I can be big here but it will take quite some time to actually find me own audience in here but hey the more time the better, well for us anyways because I get to spend more time with kimba.

I know she said she didn't want a label to defined what we have/are, but well we became closer than ever, inseparable even. The girls have even made jokes saying we should just date each others because every time they tried to set us up with guys we would just find a way to deny it. The first time Ray brought up the fact that kimba and I always disappeared whenever we were all hanging out together or we would say we were just popping to the shop and the other would volunteer to go with, Kimba freaked out and started acting super cold towards us and it got us a bit worried but it soon faded when Sarah said that Nic and Ray were just as bad as Kimba and I, only that Nic and Ray are indeed just friends.

"so, have y'all done the Christmas shopping?" Liz once again asks. This catches Nic's attention right away that has been on her phone the whole time, things with Charlie have been great. He makes her really happy.

"yes, oh my god I am so excited its going to be so much fun" she squeals.

"yea I've one me shopping already" I said, getting up and walking to the make-up chair.

"are you two going back home or staying here?"

"staying" Nic answers for the both of us.

Normally I would off gone home and have a quiet dinner with Nic's family and a couple of close friends but since Nic is all in love witth Charlie she wanted to stay and well, I wasn't to kneeled on going home alone, when I could stay and spend it with Kim.

"Soooo" Nic says, walking towards us and parking her bum on me laps "what did little Bella got me?" she cheekly asks pinches me cheeks.

"oi get off of us you monkey" I said pushing her off me legs " I'm not telling you"

"fine the I wont tell you want Kimmy got you" she said dusting herself off

"as if you would know"

"well, darling I did go with her when she went shopping for you" she winks before existing the room.

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