Chapter 16

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Nicola’s POV

“Wh-hat” I don’t know what to think. Is she there for support or?

“Miss Walsh needed a blood transmission as soonest possible and Miss tweedy seems to be the perfect match”  I take a big gasp. Not believing what I’ve been told.

“thank you” Ray answered for me, I am to shocked to even talk

She places her hand on my back for support “Come on babe, lets go tell the others”

I’m just following with a blank expression on my face. I cannot believe what Cheryl did. I cant seem to get my head around it. I just hope Cheryl’s effort of saving Kim is worth it.

“and Cheryl is donating blood to kim”  Ray finishes, giving me a shoulder squeeze. I was not paying attention to the girls. I can’t. Not when my Chez in in there.

We’ve been seating in silence waiting for any updated but nothing has really happened. I feel an arm around my waist. I look up to find Ray sadly smiling at me. Funny how close we’ve got in such a short amount of time.

“she’ll be okay, don’t worry” she smiles but my guts its telling me differently.

Looking around I see Katy seating between Sarah and Nadine, with her head on Nad’s shoulder. Sarah’s head is resting on the wall but her hands are firmly holding Katy’s.  Ray and I are seating across from the other girls. Ray’s hand is still around my waist and her head on my chest. A tighten my grip around her tiny figured, just like Cheryl she has a patite figured. Closing my eyes I rest my chin on her head. But second later a load noise shakes us all up from our thoughts.

“Kimberley Walsh” a Doctor says and all of us jump on our feet.

“yes” Katy, Sarah, Ray, and Nadine chorused. I am still waiting for him to say Bella’s name. but he never does, instead he goes on explaining Kim’s situation.

“we will placing her in a bigger room” is the last thing I hear him say. I was too lost in my thought worrying about Chez. I hear Oh my God’s and sobbing around me, the girls hugging each other happy with the news. I guessing Kim is going to be okay.

I see the Doctor walking away and I go after him

“Doctor what about Cheryl?” I asked.

“Oh right Miss tweedy” he sigh, not a good sign.

“yea, wh-where is she? Is she okay?” panic written all over my face.

“She’s Still in the OR,  we went over the amount of blood she could donate” he stops and looks at his clipboard before saying “Miss Tweedy lied about her weight and height, that throw us off track and we took more blood that we were supposed to take” I just nod, taking in everything he is saying. “Luckily her type of blood isn’t hard to find and we managed to do a blood transmission to for her as well” thank God she is okay, stupid, stupid girl! “Doctor Vanhee is working on her right now. We’ll be placing her in the same room as Miss Walsh due the fact the room she was in before has been reoccupied. The room will be divided by a removable wall, it will be like two room in one”

“thank you Doctor” I said with a big sigh. He nods and talks away.

I can’t start to explain how good I feel right now! Cheryl is gonna be okay. She is gonna be okay! I’m still pissed off at her though, that stupid girl didn’t bother telling me. She had me worried sick. Gosh I wanna slap her. well maybe not now. But I will definitely give her an ear full of being so stupid!!

I walked back to the waiting around. The only one there is Ray, I guess the others are in Kim’s room.

“Nic, Kimmy is gonna be okay, she is gonna wake up soon and be okay” she is hugging me so tight with tears in her eyes and don’t blame her I feel the same way. Cheryl is going to be okay and so is Kim.

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