Chapter 2

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Flashbacks are Italics

Cheryl's POV

Are you fookin' serious man!! This stupid paps won't leave us alone, even if I'm just at some shop they'll come after us not caring about how they make us feel. Just to get a bloody picture, but I guess that's the price I have to pay for being so successful! Not that I'm complaining or anything cause' trust us I am not, I have work so hard to be where I am right now! To be "The Nation's sweetheart" what a tittle eh? Anyways, I was brought back to reality when some idiot push me best friend and stylist Nicola.

"You bloody idiot, look what you've done!! All for a bloody picture" I am so mad right now, poor Nicola looks so scared! I wanna beat the shit outa this idiot but I can't because once again I'm the sweet innocent Cheryl tweedy. The Nation's sweetheart"

"babe, Nic are you okay?" I asked me poor wee friend who looks terrified and I don't blame her.

" Y-yeah" shes trying to be strong but I know her better, she's quiet, shy , and lovely. But once you get her on the buzz she is so hilarious , love her to bits.

"come on babe, hold me hand and we'll get out of here" I said still bad trying to block whatever the paps where yelling, because if im honest I do not give a flying fook that they say about us. They have made some much bullshit on the pathetic articles just to sell more.

"B-but Bella we need to get you those dresses" yep, she is definitely scared. You see, whenever she's scare she calls us "Bella" why Bella, might you be asking yourself? short for "Chezzabella" a cute pet name Nic has given us.

"NO NICOLA! Those dresses can wait! I am more worried about you than that babe" the press can say and do anything to us but when it comes to the people I love, I will not let anything happened to any of them! Specially not my wee ginger baby! She's been with us through so much, she's like the little sister I never had and I'm like the older sister she never had!

"O-okay" she said still a little bit shaken up

"Get in babe." I said as I open the door to get into the car.
"Carls, back to the house please" I said to me driver, waiting to get Nic safe and sound.

"yes ma'am" carls says.

We're on our way to mine and Nicola has been quiet the whole time, she is just looking through the window holding back tears. She is only 21 but oh my my she is such a talented girl! That why she is me stylist only the best for me! Really though she is amazing at her job and even more amazing at being a friend so whats why I'm still a little bit upset about the whole paparazzi event.

Once inside me house I got straight to the kitchen to make us both a cuppa. I walk out to the living room and find Nic sitting on the sofa hugging her knees to her chest. It breaks me heart seeing her so fragile.

" you okay babe"? I asked, she just nonds.. yea chez she is fookin brilliant, idoit.

"sorry, pet that was a stupid question" I said and she looks at me and smile, sadly.

"Bella, you're too good to me.. I-Im sorry I-I ruined today" she says trying not to cry.
" don't be daft babe, you haven't ruined anything. I like I said before, I don't care about the dresses only care about you. are you better?" See, I told you she is so sweet, always thinking of others.

"Yea, it just scared me coz I've never seen them like that you know" yea she is right. They've been all over us since my lovely and amazing boyfriend, well now fiancée proposed to us a week ago.

"chezzaballa hurry up he will be here any minute" Nicola shouts

"comin babe comin, plus im still a little bit mad at him! He said he would be here in a week not two! So I am gonna make him wait" I said while sticking me nose in the air.

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