Chapter 13

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Cheryl's POV

"my moms" Kim cries taking her last sharp breath before closing her eyes.

"NO NO NO KIMBA PLEASE BABE OPEN YOUR EYES PLEASE" I am hysterical crying. She can't be dead no no she cant. I pull her up into my chest hugging her, having the need to feel her close to us. I need to call katy. I pull out me phone and me hands are covered with blood, with her precious blood.

"stupid fucking phone" I curse at me phone, now that I need the damn thing its been stupid.

Come on come on Katy answer. " hey its Katy, you know what to do. Byeeeee" stupid answer machine.

"Kaa-katy it-its Cheryl. Call us asap. Kim's be shot" and with that I go down my contacts to find Nics. Please God, don't take kim.

"chezz what the"

"NIC OH MY GOSH NIC KIM, SHE-SHE'S BEEN SHOT PLEAASE COME.. AHHHH" gunshots make us jump and I am so fucking scared. Kim is out and she is not opening her eyes, she can't be dead no she cant.



"alright Bella. Calm down, and tell me where you are, Ray's here with me and she can take me but I need you to calm down" I tried to calm down but its useless I am shittin meself and people shouting outside aren't helping at all. Kim's wounds are bleeding more and I don't know what to do.

"We're at kim's moms. Please Nic come, Kimba needs help" I can hear nic telling Ray where we are. They need to hurry I don't know how much long kimba has. I smile at the pet name I gave while drunk, even though I am sober as a nun I keep calling her that. I hope she don't mind, I really want to get to know her. what she said to us this morning it really touched us that's why I decided to be fucking stupid and get my revenge on Ashley but It did not ended like I wanted too. Kimba being shot twice was definitely not in my bloody plans. I am brought back to reality by a screaming Ray.

"CHERYL ITS RAY, WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE AT KIM'S MOM. SHE'S BEEN DEAD FOR 5 YEARS NOW" shes screaming down the phone surprised by all this. Kim's mom is dead? but she said we're at her place.

"I-I don't now, kim said we're at her moms. Ray please call an ambulance I don't know the address and kim needs help" Kim is turning pale and I am scared she wont make it, she will be dead because of me. Because a fucking drunken mistake! It will be all me bloody fault.

"what happen why has kim being shot, a-are you sure that's what kim said. Please Cheryl please take care of kim" I don't know what to say, what am I supposed to do? Kim is flat out and I cant think straight.

"I don't know, it all happened to fast please get here soon. A very pale blue doo-" I didn't get to finish as Ray cut us off.

"I KNOW WHERE IT IS, ILL CALL AN ABULANCE AND WE WILL ME YOU AT THE HOSPITAL. PLEASE KEEP KIM SAFE" and with that she hung up. i really hope they get here soon.

Kneeling next to Kim's cold body I take her hand in mine. Why would she risk her life to save us? She didn't have to but she did and now she is here lying cold out, unconscious with two bullet wounds. I see why Ashley cheated on us, she is gorgeous, naturally beautiful. She was a little pout on and Oh I want to kiss her so bad. Gosh this is so wrong, so so wrong.

Earlier today when we had our little moment I was so close to kiss, I don't know why but I felt the need to feel her lips on mine. I know she thinks I was too drunk to remember what she said but I wasn't. I remember each and every word she said, very clear. Kim is a total sweetheart, she gives life to this cruel world. She such a loved girl and I wouldn't cope knowing some many people will hate us. She protected us, without having second thoughts. That really show how amazing she is. Even though I have been nothing but a major bitch, she still took two bullet for us. I bring my forehead and rest it on hers, our noses touching, and I know this is wrong but I cant help it. I want to feel her lips on mine. this is the only way it'll ever happened, kimba would never let us kiss her. I close me eyes blocking out the screams coming from outside and hold her hand tighter. I lean in more and connect me lips with her sweet cold lips. It immediately sends tingles down my spine and then I hear a deep breath. At first I think its meself, I keep me forehead against hers, her hand in mine. I feel a tiny but soft squeeze on me hand.

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