chapter 28

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"w-what?" I said sounding confused as fuck. Is she for reals?

"hahah oh gosh, kim your face was a right picture" she laughs and I let out a sigh I didn't know I was holding but at the same time my stomach feels upset. Was I hoping she was being serious?

"Right you cheeky thing! Where are you taking me?" I called back walking through the kitchen door to get a glass of water.

"well, erm that, is a surprise" she answered, looking no so sure herself.

"you don't know, do you?" I raised an eyebrow, questioning Cheryl.

"yes I do, but its cheesy" Turning her face so I couldn't see her she answered me in such a soft voice, my heart melted.

I thought of teasing her but she look so cute and embarrassed I didn't want to push it.

"is okay I love cheese a lot, and or any kind of food. So it better have food?" I laughed

"yea, loads of food" she answered, smiling and showing off her gorgeous dimples

Walking around the table to sit next to her I say "perf" smiling she nods.

We've been sitting for a few minutes now talking nonsense really. Until the car arrived and well she just told me to get in the car that she had to sort some things before heading to the secret destination she had picked for us.

I'm really intrigued as where Cheryl is taking me. I know she said it was a date but I can't help to think she was just messing around. I mean, she must have some sort of feeling for me to ask me on a real date, and I highly doubt she does.

Even I'm confused with my own feelings. I can't really describe the feels she gives me, I mean yea I am bi and even though I have slept with a girl before, I have never dated one so it is kind of intimidating, not that I would be dating Cheryl anyways.

Cheryl is like, woah! Just gorgeous, I don't see why Ashley would cheat on her, I mean come on she could have been the perfect wife, she is such too sweet. Although, Ashley cheating on her had brought her into my life, and in some way I am thankful he did, because I met her and we are now friends. Is it sad that I am glad I got my heart broken for the second time by the person I least expected it from?

Ashley has texted me and so has Justin but I have ignored them both. I don't want their stupid drama in my life right now, I haven't told any of the girls because it honestly don't think its such a big deal. Plus if I tell Ray or Sarah that Justin came to visit me at the hospital they might just murder him.

"woah" i said when I hear Cheryl slam the car door so hard it made me jump.

"sorry pet, it was the wind" she says, buckling her seatbelt.

I don't respond I just smiled, but a fake one. I don't know why I couldn't bring myself to present her with a real smile. She must sense this coz she un did her seatbelt and scooted over to my side, putting a hand on my thigh she says " ya alright babe?"


"promise?" should I lied and promise her im alright, even if im not? Or should tell her the truth? But I don't even know what's wrong with me!

I guess I was thinking for too long. I hear her speak again "babe?"

"oh sorry was in my on word here" I said truthfully

"you alright? We can cancelled if you don't feel good, is it your arm? I brought you some painkillers in case it was hurting you" aww bless her, she even brought me the tables for the pain. I don't think she can get any cuter!

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