Chapter 18

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Cheryl's POV

I'm not keeping me eyes off her hand just in case "that is it baby, squeeze me hand if you can hear us" i said but nothing she doest.

"Come on kimba, you are stronger than this" I tried again but nothing happens.

"Cheryl what's going on?" A very sleepy Katy asked.

"s-she squeezed me hand, just then"

"Quick get a Doctor" she said getting on her feet. "wait, no I get him you cant go out like that. stay here with her please" she stops at the door and takes one last look at Kimba.

The door slams behind Katy and this wakes Nic up. "chez whats going on"

"Nic, she squeezed me hand, Kimba might be waking soon" I said, this time a smile reached me face.

"no way! oh my!" Nic squeal hugging me and causing my to whined in pain

"and Cheryl said she squeezed her hand" I hear Katy said and Doctor Vanhee follows behind.

"alright I will need you to step outside, I need to disconnect Miss Walsh so she can breathe on her own. If we keep her on the machine it will take longer for to wake up" Nic and Katy both nod and headed to the door. I walk to me bed, I guess us being a bit poorly is good. I get to they in the room with kimba, even though I can't hold her hand I can still be here with her.

I lay on me good side, watching the nurses and Doctor do they job. They are taking some wires away and the tube in kimba's mouth as well. They are removing the machine and replacing it with a much smaller one.

One of the nurses turned to face us but I immediately close me eyes not giving away Im up or they might watch us to get out and that's a big no no. I want to stay here for kimba, I will be here for her until she is all better. I really hope Ray is right about Kimba wanting to be me friend. I will do everything in me power to make it up to her, not erase her pain but at least make her hurt less.

I must of space out coz didn't noticed the nurses are now gone and the Doctor is doing some last minute checks. I can really make out what he's doing coz I have me eyes sort of close. I see him walking to my bed. Oh god is he going to move us to a different room so kimba can rest? No please don't.

He must think I'm asleep coz she is moving around checking the machines around me bed. He touches me sore arm. FUCK that hurt, I bit me lip due the pain. I'm glad he doesn't notice this, he walks out and I can hear him talking to Katy and Nic outside.

I get out of bed and walk to the door just close enough to hear what the Doc is saying.

"I suggest you two head home and let Kimberley and Cheryl rest. I checked on both and everything seems to be okay. Kimberley will not be waking up until tomorrow so don't need to worry" the Doctor said, and I kind of like the idea of them going home. It will be just kimba and I, just us two.

"but Doc I don't think it's a good idea" Katy starts but Nic cuts her off.

"Katy, I think its best for us to go home and have a good night rest. Kim will be okay, plus Chez is there I am sure she will phone us if something happens. We will need to be here for kim when she is up" bless Nic, she is a wise one.

"okay, but I need to get my stuff and say by to my sister" I don't stay to listen to Nic replay, I pretty much throw meself to bed and fake being asleep.

The door opens and I her footsteps moving around the room. Some are coming me way, and I am guessing they're Nic.

I was right it was me baby Nic "Bella, we're going home but I will be back tomorrow morning. Goodnight sis, I love you" she said and kisses me forehead. I want to tell her I love her, but if I let her know that I in fact am awake she won't leave.

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