Chapter 62

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Kimba's POV

The second I hit the road, I dial Ray's number, but it goes straight to voice mail. My stomach turns, bringing up an unwanted feeling. I try again, but once more- straight to voice mail.

"Hey Ray, it's Kimbers. I wanted to know if you wanna come by? We can watch a movie or something? I feel like I've been an awful friend lately, wrapped up in my own world with Chez, but I miss you and love you. Call me." I end the message, surprised at how calm my voice sounded, completely opposite of how I'm currently feeling.

I see Cheryl's name flashing on my screen, but I ignore the call. I'm sure Nicola has told her everything, and she is probably mad that I left without her. She knew the men in the black suits seemed sketchy, but just I like me—she also pretended or at least tried to hide the fact that she didn't feel safe around them.

She calls a few more times, but I just watch my phone ring until the last second, then I finally pick up!

"Kimba!!! Thank god! Baby—"

I quickly cut her off.

"Chez, my love. I'm okay, I promise. I'm just headed to see the one person who might have the answers I need." I tell her, switching lines to exist the highway.

"Kimba me manager wants us on a plane tomorrow; I couldn't fight it. Please tell us you'll be home tonight? Even if it's late. Please Kimba? I don't wanna go without saying goodbye." She sobs out the word bye, and I feel myself getting teary and my vision getting blurry.

"I promise I'll try Chez, but I- fck! I hate this so much! I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm not there to kiss you goodbye—"

"No, no, no—Kimba, Don't say that. Okay? Me wife will come home to us tonight, and she'll drive us to the airport and kiss us goodbye, and tell me she loves us."


"No, no. I know. I know you're going to see Katy's mam and I wish you would've let us come with you, but I understand. You told us you needed to do this alone, but know that I am right here for you. Nic told us about the, erm, the men and Ray and Kimba, please be-"

"Fuck!!" I shouted, swerving to the side of the road.

"KIMBA? KIMBERLEY!!" Cheryl's haunting screams bring me back to the phone call.

Containing my heavy breathing, I say, "Hi, sorry um I'm okay, yeah, I love you. I love you." I keep repeating this as the car that almost flipped mine over is backing up into me trying to hit me once again.
A man with ski masks is behind the steering wheel, his dead-cold eyes set on me.

I need to keep driving, I tell myself before ending the call with the love of my life.

I sped up without looking back. I type in the code, and the gate opens. I slowly drive up, composing myself before getting out of the car and walking up to the front door.
Inhaling deeply and with shaky hands, I manage to knock on the door.

The front door opens, revealing the last person I thought I would see here.

"D-Dad?" It barely comes out as a whisper as I staggered back.


"No- no, no, no." I shake my head, walking past him and into the living room to find Ray sitting on the couch, head between her hands.

"WHAT THE FUCK!? NO, I NEED TO GO. I- CHERYL I NEED CHERYL." I fall to my knees, crying hysterically. I try to pull out my phone to call Cheryl, but Ray's next to me, kneeling on the ground holding me in her arms.
I want to push her away, but I can't. I can barely breathe from crying.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 07 ⏰

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