Chapter 8

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Kim's POV

I'm awake by the lovely sound of my dearly friend Sarah throwing her guts out. I am about to move but a sudden weigh on my body stops me. I look down to see Ray's head on my stomach. Oh fuck, my neck is sore as fuck. I guess that's happens when you fall asleep on the couch. My head feels like there are elephants running around. Agh why did I let myself drink too much? And then I remember, Ashley and Cheryl at the bar. My eyes start to fill with tears and my heart feels like it's been ripped straight out of my chest. I can feel ray is starting to wake so I close my eyes and pretend to me asleep.

"Kimmy, its okay to cry. Don't hold it in" ray says while moving up resting her head on my shoulder and putting her arm around me. I don't say anything just let my tears run down my cheeks.

Suddenly the bathroom door opens and don't open my eyes but I can tell its Sarah.

"fuck man, my head is killing me and I feel like Ive just puked my  in-" she stops as a lift my head up to meet her eyes.

"awwhz babe" she says moving the empty bottles of vodka out of her way and next thing I know she is next to me. She's also resting her head on my shoulder and her hand on top of rays. I don't need to say anything; they know I appreciate them being here for me. I just close my eyes and hug the both.

I can tell Ray has fallen asleep and Sarah is heading the same way. i feel tried, I must have cried my eyes out last night, I wanna sleep but I cant. My mind goes back to last night event. And I can't help but wondered if he really loved me, or was I just a pastime for him until he went back to the UK, back to his famous girlfriend, Cheryl?

I've been laying here for about half an hour now, Ray and Sarah are both fast asleep so wriggled off their embrace and get up. Fuck, my fucking head. I took a look around the room and shit it is a complete disaster. Bottler of not just vodka but of wine, UV Cherry, UV blue, Skinny girl, and bunch of others shit I don't even know. Nadine is gonna have my head when she comes back. Oh shit. Nadz she doesn't know what happened, ugh I cant be arsed to explain my shitting life situation right now, I am sure Saz is gonna fill her in once she has recovered from the massive hang over shell have when she wakes up. I feel so bad looking at my two friends sleeping on the floor. They drank just as much as I did, when they didn't have too. They could have easily gone home to their comfy beds but yet the stayed here and now they are lying on the cold hard ground.

I have just splashed some cold water on my face, I cant seem to stop crying. I never thought he would do such a thing. I mean, he seemed so sweet and lovely. So charming, not a bad cell in his body. Every time he looked at me and the way told me he loved me made me believe every little lie. He didn't show any sign of guilt. Did he even love me? No- he surely didn't. You do not lie to someone you love, especially not the way he lied to me, to her.

Before walking back to the room, I put my hair up in a messy bum and grabbed a blanket from the closet for Ray and Sarah. Seriously though, this room seems like it's been trashed, well I guess we did trash it pretty fucking bad. I clean, well tried to clean as much as possible trying not to wake my sleeping friends. I go outside to throw the empty bottles in the dumpsters and I cant help but notice blood on the floor. That must be his blood, Luke and Adam dragged him outside and I can easily guess they beat the living fuck out of him. SHIT! Adam! I look around for my phone but I can't find it. So I grab Ray's and dialed my brother's number.

"Ray, how is she? Is she okay?" he picked up right away

"hey, its me. I'm alright, are you okay?" I asked worried he might have got a punch or two.

"ya ya im okay, where are you? you want me to pick you up?"

"no no its okay, im at the bar with ray and sarah. I'll drive myself don't worry"

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