Chapter 24

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sorry for the wait guys,hope ya like it.

Kimba's POV

Sitting on my bed I watch Cheryl run around the room trying to get everything sorted before we leave. I find it humorous but she seems to think different.

"stop laughing at us Kimba" shes trying to zip up the little bag where she has put pretty much everything in.

"well, chez that bag it way too small for all that stuff you've put in" I choke on my own laugher.

"well, Ms "know it all" where would you want us to put the rest?" Cheryl is definitely not the organized type. "bloody hell, why do you have some much stuff" she continues zipping the poor bag up.

"chez leave it. ill do it myself" I feel bad for laughing at her struggling.

"no, you keep laughing at us. ill sort it meself"

"oh give over, let me do it"

"kimbaa I said NO!" she said pulling the bag away from me.

"childish and stubborn" I mumbled

"aye, coz you're not, right pet?" oh she heard me.

"right, I am not"

"Kimba, you are bloody stubborn and don't try to argue" what? I am not stubborn.

"I am so not stubborn, Cheryl"





We keep this going for a while until Cheryl breaks it and says

"see, point proven" A big grin adorning her face.

"whatever" I said, not very happy and she is clearly enjoying this.

Cheryl places a big wet kiss on my cheek with a loud "muaaah" sound. "you're too cute when you're in a mood" she said skipping back to the her previous position

"so-" I was cut off by a knock on the door

"open" said cheryl

And a nurse comes in "Kimberley Walsh" she asked.

Uncomfortably raised my hand, I hate being call by my full name

"right, Kimberley i-"

"Kim, call her Kim" Cheryl cut her off, how did she know? I look over in her direction and I give a thank-you smile

"Right Kim, can you please change into this and we will back shortly" said a nurse, handing me an ugly greyish looking gown.

As soonest the door clicks closed I turned to Cheryl, I want to know how she knew I hate being called by my full name.

"Chezz how di-" she cuts me off.

"Not now Kim, and defiantly not here" she said going to the bathroom

How does she even know what I was about to ask?

"how di-" and one again she doesn't let me finish

"how did I know you were going to asked how knew you don't like being called by your full name??" she asked, popping her head from the bathroom door.

"erm y-yeah" I said, amazed but her ability to read my she a mind reader or something.

"ha don't worry Kimba, I am not a mind reader" OKAY this is getting TOO weird, freaky even.

"bet that freaked you out eh pet?" cheryl said sitting next time.

I don't know what to say or think, as Cheryl has been practically reading my mind.

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