Chapter 9

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Cheryl's POV

"Shit Chezz, room service is gonna cost a fortune" Nics been bitching about how messy me room is and to be honest it bloody mess. But I can't be arsed to clean, I mean that's why I pay the damn roomservice right? For them to clean and all the shit?

"Nic stop lecturing us, its their job to clean" I say jumping on me bed.

"Bloody hell, since when you turned into this bitchy ass Diva?"

"Well, I have got more than enough money to pay all the damage and if you're gonna keep yelling at us you can leave. " what its up with her, today.

Looking for her purse she says "I suggest you pull your head out of your backside soon" Are you fookin serious? Oh but no she is not done yet "Look chezz, I know you're hurting but being a bitch and push me away wont help you. so if you want me to leave then fine I will. Just remember Cheryl, its just you and me here- YOU AND ME" she says walking out of the room.

Fuck, I am not in a mood for moody teenager right now. Shes not me mam, she doesn't got get to tell us what to do. I pay her, she works for me anyways I should be telling her what to do. Wow Cheryl, she is more than just an employee

Ugh, maybe she is right, maybe ive been acting a bit bitchy, but you cant blame us. Its been a pretty shitty ass week. Finding out your fiancée has been shagging someone else behind your back, isn't really ideal so everyone can fuck right off. I am in pain, in so much pain and its been killing us. All I have done is drink, write, drink, and write some more and well even my management has been up me ass about how much ive been drinking. But fuck them, they should be happy I'm writing and I might sound big headed but the new material I have its bloody good. But no they only focus on us drinking, plus its not even me fault we haven't record, Katy is huge here so of course her schelude is busy and don't have time for us. I called her last night she said we shell be in town next week, so that give us the weekend to get pissed without a care in the world.

I'm stumbling across me room to go to Nic's. I been doing some thinking and she is right so ill ask her if she want to go clubbing with us. I knock on the door waiting for her to open.

"Niiccc, muawh muawh" im leaving sloppy kisses all over her face

"bloody hell chezz, its three in the afternoon and you're already pissed" me pretty reheaded friend says pretty much carrying us to her bed. "what am I gonna do with you " she whispers.

"Nic baby lets go ouuuuut, I'm in a mood for a good night out" I say trying to get up but its useless.

"Chezz look in the state you are, no way" she says and I pout, giving her me best puppy eyes.

"oh no no no, Bella, that face wont work." No but this will work.

"weeell, it was you who said I needed to get out me bloody hotel room" guilty card always works.

"but" I cut her off.

"No but's Nic, if you don't wanna come with us then fine I'll go all by meself" I'm walking to the door with a smirk on me face coz I know she will cave in any time now.

"aghh. There's no bloody way I'd let you go out by yourself and you know it" yep I knew it. I turned around and gave her my signature wink

"bitch" I hear her sign before walking out of the door.

"ouch, stupid bloody fooking floor" I fell fat on me ass trying to do a victory dance.

Its just gone half past seven and we're supposed to be leaving at eight. i stayed off the buzz the rest of the day, i wanted to be at least a little bit sober when we leave. Me outfit a simple one shoulder white and silver dress, that stops just half way to me thigh, silver stilettos and I couldn't be bother to try with my hair. I let dry naturally while painting me toenails. I have light make up on coz if Im getting pissed I don't want to look like a damn panda with black around me eyes.

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