Chapter 7

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I will be using some Lady CC lyrics and Selena Gomez's too.

Kim's POV

Ughh I'm awake by then damn sunlight that's peeking thought the window, I look around the room and its dark, the damn sunlight it just right on my face. I look to my side and see Ashley fast sleep, my poor baby must be tired and in a lot of pain from hurting his ankle last night. I decided to bring him to his apartment last night before the game ended so we didn't have to worry about the paparazzi'. I felt so bad leaving before I got to tell Adam how proud I am of him. He did an amazing job. He scored the two first and only goals of the night! I texted him saying I was happy for him and that I wished I would have been there to celebrate with him, he said he was okay that I had to take Ashley home but deep down I know he was hurt. I will have to think of something to make it up to him. I reach for my phone just to find its 10:30 already. Agh I forced myself out of bed as quietly so I don't wake my sleeping boyfriend. I made my wait to the bathroom and take a quick shower. I have class at 12:00 and then I am off for a very boring and not to mention stressful evening.

I don't see how Ashley can sleep so much. I've been up an hour now and wanna wake him up before I have to go to drama. I know how he gets when he gets woken up, so as cheesy as it sounds I will leave him a note and breakfast made.

I quickly grabbed all my stuff and I pull out a notebook from my backpack to write him the note.

"hey babe, sorry I didn't say goodbye, but I had to leave for class and also because how grumpy you get. Anyways I don't think ill be able to see you until tomorrow. Ill miss you so much.

-Love, your princess xoxoxox"

Half way through my drama class I get a text from Nads asking me, no begging me to be a waitress for some famous couple that wanted the Four Leaf reserved for a romantic dinner. Its Monday so that means it's the day off for all the employee at the bar and well as usual we were gonna get together in the backroom and have some drinks with the guys, kind of as celebration for the win last night. If it's just the couple then I don't think they mind the guys there plus they'll be in the back, won't bother them at all.

Im on my way to the bar to get everything ready, I not only have to be their waitress but I also gotta be the cook. I really don't mind though, I enjoy cooking. It's the only thing that reminds me of my mother and brings back good memories. She taught me, well us, she taught Katy and I how to cook, although Katy much rather bake than cook, and I prefer cooking over baking. She would take a day out of the week to teach me how to cook and the next day she'd teach Katy how to bake.

Shit, traffic in LA sucksass! Oh shit shit shit, I need someone to be the host and to help me decorate the damn room. Damn who can I asked? ................... Going through my contacts on my phone hoping a name would pop that might be good for the job. Oh yes he'd be prefect. I have to call him right now I don't have much time.


"hey, Clay its Kim"

"oh hey kimmy whats up"

"um Clayton, I was thinking, maybe you erm" shit how do I asked him I don't even know the couples name.

"what is it kim?" he asked worried

" I was wondering if you wanted to be my little helper" oh ha that sounds weird

"little helper, kim what exactly is it that you want me to do" going the wrong row dude

"yea be my host boy for to private dinner at the Four Leaf, and I also need help decorating the room, and know how much you love that, I mean you are going to school for interior design" mumbled

CHIM- LOVE-HATEDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora