Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

Kimba's POV

"you what" I snapped pushing her off me a bit too hard maybe because the look on her face showed nothing but hurt and shock. But I don't care because right now I feel like someone has ripped my heart out. I cannot believe her right now, I just gave her my heart not long ago for her just to step on it.

"for fuck's sake Cheryl speak" I shout

" speak because right now I feel my heart breaking and I am regretting asking to be my girlfriend" I know this hurts her because she starts to cry harder.

It is taking everything in me not to take her in my arms, but she is not the only one hurting, I am too. she lied.

"please Cheryl, I need you to tell me, explain what you meant, please" I begged but nothing, she wont fucking speak and it frustrating beyond words.

"Cheryl! I do not read minds so for the love of God tell me before I leave" I sigh, grabbing my shoes.

This seems to catch her attention 'cause she looks up to me shaking her head.

"n-no do-don't leave u-us" she shuttered, shaking from crying and from then coldness in this room. She's half naked and the lights of the candles lets me see the goosebumps all over her small body.

"Cheryl, please cover yourself up" I say, as much as I am pissed off and hurt by her doesn't mean I don't lover, doesn't mean I don't care for her well being.

"n-no please don't go kimba" she says again, standing out her arm for me to take but I don't and this only sends her into another hysterical cry.

I can't take it anymore, as much as my heart is breaking because of what she's just told me, it breaks even more seeing her like this.

"come here" I kneel down opening my arms for her and without wasting time she dives in for the hug.

"please please kimba don't leave us, please im sorry" she's clinging to me as if her live depends on me.

"Cheryl you need to explain" I said kissing her head.

What I feel for her is so strong and I can't fight it now, I tried to fight it back then but heart wants what the hearts wants. Didn't matter how many sleepless night I told myself don't get attached not to fall for her but I still did and now she's completely stolen my heart.

"just hold us" she tells me with such a scared voice that all my walls break down and I do what she says. I lay us both down and she immediately finds her favorite spot, placing her head on the crook of my neck wrapping her little arm around me.

She's still madly crying, her hot tears are consuming into my skin. I rub my hand up and down her back trying to calm her down but its not working and it is making me panic. I have no idea what she meants she knew I was with Ashley.

Did she knew he was fuckin with both of us? she knew and didn't do anything about it? when did she find out? Is this her payback? so many questions and Cheryl is not giving me no answer.

"Can you tell me now? " I whisper kissing her head.

I am growing impatient with her this silence, all can hear is her heavy breathing, sobbing into me.

I fell her half nod but at the same time tightening her grip around me. I don't know if I really want to know what she has to say, im quite scared. Scared that this might just break everything we have.

"I thought you knew" she whispers and I don't know if I should say something or not but I choose to keep quiet.

"I thought you knew Ashley was with us" she continues, and as much as I want to shout I don't. she's finally speaking and I don't want to say anything to make her stop.

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