Chapter 53

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Chapter 53

Kimba's POV

"Take it" I mouth to Cheryl passing her the phone "its rihanna" I scoffs

"erm hello?... hi.. no... she's erm she's okay yeah she's feeling better" I can only hear one part of the conversation but it doesn't take a genius to know she's talking about me.

I try to get off the bed but Cheryl holds my hand making me fall back on the bed.

" tomorrow? What am I doing tomorrow?" Cheryl says looking at me with worried eyes

"oh sorry no, I um im busy... im busy all weak" that's my girl, I really want to murder Rihanna right now, but I cant really do anything since no one really know about me and Cheryl being together, I also want to keep it that way as long as possible, I don't even want to think how much shite Cheryl would get if she announced she was seeing a woman.

I wouldn't mind, I've been bullied enough in the past that it wouldn't really get to me but Cheryl is new to all this and she wouldn't cope well.

"I'll make sure to save your number" I hear Cheryl laughs "aye pet, bye" she says hanging up.

"She invited us to be the opening act for her upcoming tour" Cheryl beamed

"oh" Is all I can say.. i cant take her dreams a way, I just cant "that's amazing" I lied.

I mean yea it is amazing for her and her career but I am not sure I'll be able to stay home knowing my girlfriend will be every night for many weeks near Rihanna, I know how she gets and nope, I do not like the sound of that.

"I think it'll help us get recognized even more"

"im sure it will, although you already well known here" I said, not wanting to be too bluntly about it.

"I know but kimba this is amazing! Can you imagine us on tour with Rihanna, its massive" she grins from ear to ear.

"that's great babe, but im exhausted can I please go to bed?" I fake a long yawn

"course" she puts her phone away looking sad

"come here baby" I open arms and she cuddles to me "im happy I really am, its just- its just" I don't know what to say

"just?" she waits for me to continue

"its just, I know this might sound stupid but I dont know, call it a gut feeling but I know Rihanna only wants to check the competition" I sigh

"coz she wants you, doesn't she?" she tried moving away but I hold her in my arms

"what? not even-"

"yes kimba"she cuts me off "she looked at you like she wanted to jump you there and then and not to mention that stupid dancer" she spit angrily

"Cheryl, what are you one about?" I asked confused.

She turns away for me before saying "and Rihanna looked at you when and I quote "not everyone is a fan of mine, or fancy me" ya she fckn want me girlfriend"

"what- what was that??" I asked wrapping my arms around her and spooning her


"the last part of your sentence" I kiss her neck

"me girlfriend?" even though she's facing away from me I could tell she was smiling when she said that.

"exactly, and you're my girlfriend, I only want you" I kiss her neck again but this time a bit harder.

"no one can have you, alright" she turns around in my arms, our foreheads are together and are lips are barely touching "nobody can kiss you like us" she says before her lips meet mine.

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