Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

Kimba's POV

"hello, Linds?"

" erm no, its Tracy, Kims is that you?" at the sounded of her little sister's voice I let out a big sigh I didn't know I was holding. What the fuck am I doing calling Lindsay?

"um yea hey!" I tried sounding as casual as possible.

"did you know Linds is going into rehab? Is that why you calling her?" say what? Linds in rehab.

"erm um no, I- why is she going there?" way to go Kim, why is she going there. Stupid

" Heroin kimmy, Justin got her hooked on that shit" as much as despite Lindsay and what she did, my heart breaks at the thought of her going through so much, and not to mention what her family is going through . I can hear the pain in Tracy's voice.

"Im so sorry Tray, I did not know. I-I Justin?"

"yea, Justin Scott, he's been such a bad influence Kim" she cries

"wh- what can I do?" I say before thinking it.

"she's going to Hollywood-"

"where? Network? West Hollywood-?" why am I getting so worry about Linds she's hurt me to much.

"The Hills" I gasp thats a private rehab center

"that's gonna cost a fortune" I say as if she doent know.

"I know, but she's gotten so bad Kim it needs to be done."

"let me help" I offered, even though Lindsay was a total bitch to be her parents were always sweet to me.

"No, no ki-"

"don't bother, I am helping-" an incoming calls cuts me, I tear the phone off my ear to look at the screen. My heart starts increasing its beats at the name.

Nic Calling

"Listen, I gotta go but you have my number hit me up if you need anything alright, no matter the time" I tell her.

"Thank Kimmy, ill call you soon"

"bye" and with that compose myself and take the other call .

"Hello?" I answer, unsure.

"KIMBA! Oh me God Kimba" Cheryl cries down the phone


"Kimba, please Kimba I cant do it I cant stay here. Its mental" she sobs

"what do you mean?"

"the papz and the press they're going mad Kimba, please don't make us stay here" she pleads

"oh baby" I coed "don't cry, please-"

"but I cant even go out because there's like over 200 paparazzi's and one of them hurt Nic, please I want to be with you Kimba" oh my god, my heart just melted. I thought she didn't want to be with me and here she is crying her pretty little eyes because she actually want to be here with me. im such an idiot, that is for sure.

"aww baby, please don't cry. You gonna make me cry" I tell her and I hear her sob one more time before saying

"me phone kimba, I fucking dropped me fucking on in the damn toilet" she cusses and I let out a little giggle.

"There's the feisty little Geordie I like" I smiled and I can tell she's also smiling

We spent a few second in silence, she's finally calmed down and im glad for that. I hate knowing she's upset and not being able to do anything.

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