Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

Kimba's POV

"I love.. every.. inch.. of your.. body" she kisses my neck, chest, and down my tummy making me shake with every touch. She's biting my hip bone knowing it will get her a reaction out of me. she is turning me on beyond words, I have never in my entire life been so turn on, ever!

"chez please" I bed grabbing a fist full of the blanket underneath us.

"shh baby, im just getting started" she whispers just before taking one of my breast in her mouth.

"fck" I moan, her hand is cupping my other breast, gently squeezing it but firm to a point that making my whole body squirm with pleasure.

My hands can't get enough of her body I squeeze her bum making her moan into my boob, my breathing has gotten heavier, im moaning so loud I can hear myself echoing thru this theater.

"please" I pant, taking her hand and directing to where I need her the most.

"fck me" I say when our eyes connect, she shakes her hand and stops to really look at me.

"No, I don't want to just fook you" she murmured and I look at her in terror, I feel my stomach drop.

"I want to love every part of you, I want to make love to you" she beamed

A rush of love comes crashing in to me. my heart feel like its about to burst with love for this girl.

"I love you so much kimba" she says tucking a little piece of hair behind my ear. "I love so so much" she says again sweetly kissing my cheek.

It's the first time she's told me she loves me since I told her I loved her. I feel overwhelmed with her confesion. My eyes start to fill with tear, I close my eyes to stop them but it only makes it worst.

I feel I tear running down my cheek and Cheryl quickly dries it off

"why you crying" she cutely pouts

"just happy coz I love you too" I laugh with tears running down my face.

"you soppy cow" Cheryl giggles, placing herself flat on top of me, im braless and her body heat send a million sparks through my whole body.

"did you feel that?" she asks lifting her head

"you felt it too?" I asked in shocked.

She nods repeatedly with a funny-confused look of her face.

"We're just meant to me" she says more to herself than me.

"Absolutely " I flip us over so im on top and in control of her.

"lets see how my newly girlfriend taste like" I whisper into her ear.

I take her earlobe in between my lips tugging it a little, one of my hands in playing with the hem of her sexy black thong and the one other with massaging her boob.

"don't fookin tease" she says arching her back as my finger run just above her center.

"just patience my love" I says taking her bra off.

Its so good to be able to call her my love and not feel like im over stepping the line. Im in crazy stupid in love with her and I couldn't be happier.

I take her breast into my mouth and gently suck on it, I want to get her as worked up as possible. I love knowing how much I turn her on, its kind of like a bust for my ego, she's so fucking sexy and she's all mine.

I switch to her other breast giving it the same treatment as the previous one. I take my hands down to her hips and press them down hard, I place my leg in between hers and she waste no time to grind on it.

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