Chapter 26

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I look down a Kimba, her upper half is only been cover by a very delicate yet sexy bra, neon pick with purple to be exact. I lick the corner of my mouth, unconsciously of course. Kimba is biting her lip in such a sexily manner than I feel meself getting more excited than before, and I was very turned to be honest. The things she does to us

She sits up and brings her hand under me top, she is slowly rubbing me sides and I cant help meself. I grabbed her head and kiss her with so much passion that I don't know I had for her.

"You're a little over dressed babe" she said while kissing us on the neck.

I throw my head back enjoying this far too much that I can't even form words. She grabs the bottom of me shirt, and takes it off so fast I don't have time to object. Not that I wanted to anyways.

The minute her hands cup me breasts I let a low moan escape me mouth, Kimba's lips are on my neck and I could swore I felt her smile. I cant take It anymore i push her down and kiss her full on the lips, me hands wandering all over her amazingly well shaped chest. I have never felt another woman's breast, well, not like this anyways but it is such a different feeling, a good different though.

As I kiss down Kimba's jaw line, down her neck I feel her hand on me back and the other gently grabbing me boob, in a matter of seconds I hear me bra unclick and next thing I know Kimba's hands are gently massaging me chest making me moan, a bit too loud if im honest.

I was holding meself up with both of me hands on each side on Kim, I want so badly to feel her warm body against mine so I let me hands dropped and I instantly fell on top on Kimba making our body come in contact. Even though Kim still has her bra on the warmth of her firm abs makes us go crazy, I think she feels the same because she snakes her arms on us and pulls us close to her, our lips still contacted and I let me leg come between kim's, then she immediately start to press herself again it.

I detangled our lips and use me hands to supports us, I look down a kim she looks so eager, her eyes are full of lust, lust for us. I can tell she wants more than just me legs between hers, I have never been with a woman before and I suddenly freeze, not knowing what to do.

I don't know if Kimba sensed my insecurity or what but she brings her hands to cup me cheek and lovely stroking it with the thumb. She gives us a smile and flips us over. Her juicy ass in set on me legs and I find the confidence to run me hands up her thighs and resting them on her bum before giving it a squeeze, she throws her head back biting her lips and I do it once more, but this time I firmly grab it and squeeze it hard.

"cheezz" she moans and oh my! The way me name slips out her mouth is so, so sexy. I repeat my previous actions and Kimba starts to kiss me neck, up to me jaw line, and finishing on me lips.

One of me hands in inside of the little back pocket on kimba's tiny shorts, giving her sexy ass a squeeze very now and then. Kim's hands leave me breasts and she unclasps her own bra, thank God coz I didn't have that much confidence to take it off. I rub me hands up and down her back! Bloody hell, her bare back feels so good, too good even. I feel a little apprehensive about taking her boobs in me hands but I want to so bad, oh so so bad.

She lays herself on top of us and our breasts pressed against each others, her leg is in between mine and her tongue is in an angry battle with me own. We are both majorly grinding against each other's, I feel me hips buckled up and she presses hers to mine.

"you're so wet" she huskily whispers in me ear, slowly nibbling me earlobe, as she says this she brings her leg up a bit more and pressed it against me center. I totally forgot I am wearing no shorts so its only me knickers the prevent us to be fully naked in front of Kimba, well under Kimba.

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