Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

Kimba's POV

You know that feeling in your chest when you know you have upset someone you truly care about? That you have to fight hard to keep the tears because you know it's your own fault you're hurting? But no that's not what sucks, what sucks is that the person you have upset, is hurting too, worlds away from where you are. Not being able to hold her and tell her it means nothing that you only trying to help and that it will not come between the two of you, that you will not let it happened, but you can't, you can't do anything but sit back and take in the pain, fix a fake a smile on your face and let everyone else think you are perfectly fine.

But only the people who don't know the real you, thinks you're okay. Of course, your best friends don't believe that fake smile, especially not the pissed off blonde sitting on the passage seat of your car.

No, not her, she's not the one for bullshite. She isn't going to think twice before telling you know you have majorly fucked up.

As if she's reading my mind she opens her mouths to tell me im making a big mistake.

"You're being so damn stupid, I hope you know that" she shakes her hand.

"Please, not now. At least wait until after to lecture me" I said, my voice breaking a little.

She knows I know I have messed up. She also knows that I need to do this, if not for Lindsay's sake, then for mine.

I wouldn't be able to see her family and know I didn't help her to get better, and even if she doesn't get better at least ill know I did tried. I won't  have all the what if's running around my mind, driving me insane.

Parking my car I hear Ray ask "should I come with or should I wait out here?"

"I'd love if you came with but you don't have to" I don't feel like going through this alone but I wouldn't force her to come in with me.

"hmmkay, so which way in the entrance"  bless her, she is the best friend ever.

I don't know why I am so nervous about this, my palms are sweating, my breathing is getting faster and faster, I'm feeling quite dizzing.

I grab Ray's hand to support myself from falling. She must have noticed my pale face because I feel her arm snaked around my back and she is leading me to the nearest chair.

"Kimmy, suck it up. I don't wanna be here longer than we have to" Ray complains

"here take a sip" she passes me a water bottle, I take a few sip before almost chocking when I hear Rachel speak again "steady your breathing, come on we have a very upset Geordie we need to call and have sex phone with"

I violently coughing while fucking ray was laughing her ass out at my reaction.

"bitch" I chuckle, giving her a playful shove

"did the trick didnt it" she stuck her tongue out.

"It did indeed" I agreed with her, feeling so much better than how I first walked in.

"Excuse me Ms? We're here to see Lindsay Mea Daken" I inform the receptionist, taking Ray's hands in my own, again.

"she is with her-"

"KIMS?" I hear my name being called and I turned to see a very stressed Tracy.

"They're with me" she tells the front desk lady.

"ho-" she Tracy cuts me off by well, pretty much throwing herself to me and breaking down in heavy tears.

"sh-she is bad Kimmy, she-she's so far in" she sobs.

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