Chapter 23

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Cheryl's POV

Next morning I wake up before Kimba, untangling off her limbs without waking her was a tough task. But I obviously managed cause I am now sitting on the chair next to her bed in my party dress watching her sleep! Creepy much?

But really tho, lets be serious! You cannot blame me nor judge me, she is just pure beauty. Everything about her shouts PERFECTION. Don't believe? Fine, here goes a description of the most gorgeous, flawless, sexiest, and hottest woman alive. And to top it all she has such a caring heart, she is the sweetest ever. I cant wait to taste her. Woah chez way to ruin the moment with your sexually frustrated situation

Kimba, my Kimba. she's just........ KIMBERLEY WALSH, I will try my best to describe her, but I am sure I will fail because there aren't enough words to describe how beautiful she really is.

Head to toe.

She has honey blonde hair that falls freely around her shoulders; it's so perfect that even if she hasn't done anything with it, it still looks flawless. For example, this past days in the hospital she has had it in a messy bum and it looks as if someone has styled it .So jealous

Her eyes: Oh god, her eyes color is indescribable. A beautiful greenish with a touch of greyish and blue on top. See what I mean? You simply cannot describe her gorgeous eyes! They are deep and I often find meself drowning in them.

Her lips: ahhh!! Probably my favorite part of her body, beside her juicy ass of course, that is. But ill gets to that later! ohmy!! Those full plump lips, bee stung kind of lips but oh so sexy! They're so sweet, how do I know this? Well I got the pleasured of kissing them last night, on "accident" but hey I got to taste them even if it was only for a nanosecond. And they are magically soft, whenever she kisses me head, I go crazy. I can barely feel them they're so soft, it's as if a feather is touching us. And with those amazing lips comes the one million dollar smile!

Her smile is seriously the brightest smile ever. She's got a smile that can light up this whole city, if not the whole universe even. Oookay Cheryl you've got it bad.

I just the thought of me having Kimba as mine, the butterflies in my tummy turn into herd of elephants and I am not even exaggerating! Kimba has cast a spell over us without even noticing it.

Right, back to describing Kimberley perfect Walsh, wait I just remember kim doest like being called Kimberley, I wonder what's the story behind that? I mean Kimberley is such a beautiful name, and its not Kimberly with just an "Y" no its "LEY" with an "E" after the "L". it totally suits her though, she is one of the kind, she is unique and original. There is no one else like her.

Once again I got distracted, but I can't help meself, there is so much to kim and I want to find out every detail of her.

Right, her curve: oh my my my! Those hips, I can hold on to those hips when I'm... yea let's just leave it there before I get too excited!

Following next is that ass of her! When Nicola introduced her as juicy ass, I didn't think anything of it. I mean, really? Who goes by the pet name "juicy ass" but I gotta admit it, her ass does good justice to the nickname.

I have never seen an ass like hers, and trust me in this industry you get to see every kind of bums. But mostly fake one, girls trying to get more attention with their backside rather than with their talent. Anyways, yea Kim's bum is the perfect bum. If there was an award for best ass, I for sure would give it to Kimba. Seriously, it is perfectly shaped, and hard coz I got to "accidentally" touch it. And its freaking real man, not even the Kardashians have an ass like hers. Kim puts them in shame, they got nothing on Kimba!

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