Chapter 17

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Cheryl's POV

I'm trying to open me eyes, but they feel so fookin heavy, me right arms its killin' us. I wonder how long was I asleep for, or if Kimba is okay. Did me blood saved her? I hope so, or I'd pretty fookin pissed going through all that, for shite. I've been lying for a while now, just listening to the damn machines around me.

I tired moving me arms but I stop when I heard Nic speak up "please please chez wake up, I'll even let you tease me about the date with Charlie" I smiled, knowing that I would so tease her about it, and now that she has given us permission is even better.

"oh so it was a date eh" I smirked and her head shots up when she hears us talk.

Practically jumping on the bed hugging us so tight that it hurts, but is a good hurt coz it shows how much she loves us. I bring my free arm to rub her back. We're is a really awkward position, I cant really hug her properly coz me other arm its pretty much useless.

She lifts her head and looks at us straight in the eyes before saying "you stupid stupid cow" she sobs. And now shes yelling "WHY? WHY WOULD YOU DO SUCH A STUPID THING ! YOU COULD HAVE TOLD ME! YOU HAD ME WORRIED SICK! " woaahh chill girl, I am awake right? I dont say anything coz I know she is now done with her little moment. "I love you, I love you, gosh so much I cant even cope! You're my sister, don't ever leave me Bella, I mean it!"

She still crying, hugging me. I have not said anything, what am I supposed to say? She is right, I should have called or even text her but then again there was no time. And its not like I planned the bloody thing, it all happened so fast.

Kimba needed to be treated right away and me being spontaneous as ever I went with what me heart told me and for once me brain was on the same boat.

"I wouldn't have coped i-if y-you" I don't let her finish. I wrapped my arms around her ignoring the massive pain on my arm.

"shh its okay baby, I'm okay. I love you" this seems to set her off even more coz she is hysterically crying. I have never seen her like this before.

I feel like drifting off to sleep but I can't, Nic needs us right now. She was here for us, I need to be here for her. Her sobs are now decreasing, and with her head still on me chest she's rubbing me right arm just above where the needle was injected.

I don't know how long we stayed like this or if I even fall back asleep but I hear the door open. It can't be Nic coz she is fast as sleep next to me. Good thing this bed its actually quite big.

I am debating whether to open me eyes and let who even it is that Im up or just let them think im still asleep. Last time this happened a very not pleased Ray was screaming at us.

Speaking of the Devil "Nic" she whispers.

"Nic, wake up. You might be hurting Cheryl" she tried again. da faq? She is worried about Nic hurting us. Bipolar much?

I better let her know im awake and Nic is not hurting us. I don't really want her shouting at us again.

"S'okay" I said and the minute out eyes meet, her jaw hits the ground. Okay not really, but you know the saying.

"y-ou're a-awake" she mumbles not believing what she's seeing.

"aye, I am pet" I half smile.

"how?, when? A-are you okay? Do you need me to get the doctor? Get Nic off you? anything?" okay I am so lost right now, why does she even care?

"nah, its fine" I said and she looks a little lost. Trying to let everything sink in, its quite funny the look on her face.

"chez" she starts walking towards us. oh gos she's not gonna have a go on us, is she?

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