Chapter 22

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I dont know about you but Im feeling TWEENTYYY TWOOO (sorry had to be done)

Kimba's POV

I bring my finger up to my lips; right on the spot chez had kissed me. I feel a fuzzy feeling in my tummy, and my lips still have a tiny tingly sensation from the kiss.

Poor girl is so wasted; I cannot start to imagine how big of a hangover she'll be having in the morning. I bet Sarah made Cheryl drink all her booze in the house, I mean really? Sarah, Ray, Nicola, and Katy together with a house full of alcohol? Gosh, that must have been a hell of a party, Chez seemed out of it. She's lying in her freaking undies in my hospital bed, Im sure as hell she wouldn't do that sober.

I think it's beyond cute how she decided to ditched her own welcome home party just to spend the night with me in the hospital.

A party with loads of different kind of alcohol versus a plain boring hospital bed? I think the choices are pretty different and I bet anyone would have chosen the party, but no not my Cheryl. What my Cheryl? What the Fuck kim?

Anyways, ignore that part, my brain is bit off its place. But yea, Cheryl decided to come and sleep with me AND not to mention she let herself wonder around LA drunk, after what happened last time. Seriously she is so adorable, I can't even cope.

As much as I tried distracting myself from that kiss, I failed. My mind is back to it, I know she didn't mean too, she meant to kiss my cheek but still it was a kiss and on the lips.

Her sweet lips were so unbelievable soft; even though it was as quick as a lightning it felt amazing. I know Cheryl won't remember this in the morning because of how drunk she is, but I know freaking will.

Before drifting to sleep I look down at Cheryl, she look so innocent, so calm as if nothing could ever hurt her, far away from this fucked up world.

Suddenly I feel Chez shaking under the covers; she must be cold she's only in her underwear I said to myself so I pull her closer to me and rub her arm hoping this would warm her up. But as I move my hand to stroke her back I feel how hot she actually is. She's sweating and now her shaking has violently increases.

"Cheryl" I whisper, trying to wake up from the nightmare she's having.

"chez, babe" I trying again, shaking her softly not wanting to scare her.

"nooo please nooo stop" she cries.

"chezza" I said softly, wiping the sweat of her forehead.

"Please d-don't hurt us, please do-ont" she brings her tiny hands to cover her face, as if she's protecting herself from being hurt.

"chez, baby its me, Kimba" I tried to move her hands but she's not letting me.

"NOO MEE BABYYY" she screams

I often see in movies people being slapped when they're having nightmare, but I somehow don't think it's the way to wake someone up, especially not when in their sleep they are trying to protect themselves from being harm.

So I tried waking her up in the gentlest way possible.

"chez, babygirl, wake up please, its me Kimba. come on open those gorgeous eyes for me, pretty pleaseeee" I sang, oh how corny is that?

"k-kimba" she whispers, opening those gorgeous brown eyes that are immediately filled with tears.

"shh baby its okay" I cooed

"m-me b-baby" she sobbed bringing her hand to rub her tummy "i-its gone. H-he killed it"

"Shhh its okay, it was just a nightmare babe" I pull her on top of me so her head is resting on my chest; I keep my arms around her tightly, not wanting to let go.

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