Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

Kimba's POV

"You, I only want you... because kimba I think I love you" Cheryl kisses me but I don't kiss her back. Did she just say she loves me? What!?

"You know, I love you.. being near us, I just love hanging out with you" she corrects herself

"I love hanging out with you too, and sorry about earlier I just don't want people looking at you and thinking "oh she's hot let's get in her pants"

"I quite like jealous kimba, it was so so  hot" she sexily whispers sending shivers down my spine.

"alright double O hottie, keep your pants on" I laughed pushing her off the bed

"Hey, girl can't help it if I get you excited" I gotta chuckle at her respond. "and come on Kimba, make up sex its like the best" she added

"really? Thought you said morning sex was the best"

"sex in general is the best" she throws a pillow at me.

"you mean... sex with ME is the best" I said pinning her down and gently biting on her neck.

"hmm uhh y-yeah" she moans.

"right im going to be in my room is you need me" jumping off the bed and throwing back at her the pillow I let out a evil laugh.

"fooking tease" she shouts screaming down in the pillow.

"come and find me baby" I smirk leaving towards my room.

This is gonna be fun, she doesn't even know my room number.

I run down the hallway and hide behind a little love seat that's in the corner. I hear her door open and I see her walking down my direction

"kimba I don't even know where your  room is" I don't say anything just bit my lips trying to suppressed my giggles.

"kimmmbaaa?" she calls and I am surprised she hasn't see me, due the fact that she's standing right in front of me.

"im so horny and I don't know her room, I guess ill fly solo tonight" she says to herself.

"don't you fooking dare tweedy" I say jumping out of my hiding spot.

"ha I knew it, I fucking knew it" she's running back to her room.

Ha doesn't she know am a cross country runner. Before she makes it to her door I grabbed her by her tiny waist and spin her around.

"Not so fast missy" I put her down and pin her against the wall.

I hear her gasp and I press my body closer to her. I soon feel Cheryl's hand running up and down my sides touching every possible part of my body.

"what you like eh?"

"hmm" is all I can say.

When Cheryl Tweedy's lips are caressing your neck words are long forgotten.

"Turn around" she says and I do as im told.

I turned around throwing my head back as her lips connect with my neck once more.

"Guess we both are flying solo tonight" she says and right when I turn to face her she shuts the door right on my face.

"you son of a-" I said knocking on her door.

"Goodbye kimba" she laughs and I can so picture her little smirk.

"you'll be in the no sex bin until next year" I said in a serious voice knowing next year its just a week and a couple days ahead.

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