Chapter 1

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Kimba's POV:

                Well, here I am, waiting for my little bother to be done with his football practice. Adam, yes that's my little bothers name, even though we are only two years apart I still considered him my little brother. We moved to America 15 years ago, and you might be asking moved? Moved, from where? Well, let me tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Kimberley Jane Walsh, I am 25 years old and I'm originally from Bradford, United Kingdom. Whats a UK girls doing all the over here in LA? That, I cannot answer. My mom brought me and my little brother here without an explanation. I'd tell you how that happened but that's a story for later.

"ahh fook" I said to myself as I hit my head on the wall.

"kim? Is that you?" one of my friends yelled from the top of the stairs.

"Oh, hey Ray, didn't know you were still here" her name is actually Rachel, but her closest friend called her Ray.

" Nah, practice was done about an hour ago, but I stayed to shower and relax" yeah, I bet she stayed to watch the boys practice, she is such a flirt.

" Right" I winked at her.

" ok ok ok you know me too well to lie to you"

"Exactly, so who is it?" I asked, I wanted to know who she was checking out.

" Ashley Cole's friend, you know Luke?" nice guy, I guess.

"Yea, he's cute"

"Any ways, maybe you could help with him" oh god, no, no, no, no!!!

"hmm don't think so babe"

"ahh come on, we both know Ash has a thing for you" gosh, no don't got there please.

" No! he does not!! Plus, you know I'm not really looking for a relationship, not after my previous one." My last relationship ended bad, and when I say bad I really do mean BAD!

" come on, you need to get over Justin! He's such a loser anyways. I never really like him , whata dickhead" it still hurts to hear his name. we were together for 5 years and that prink cheated on me.

"I dunno Ray, ill think about it, yea?" I said that just so shed drop the subject.

"yess!! And could go on a double date you know. You, Ash, Luke, and I." great, that's not what I hoped for.

"yea, I don't-"

"Kiiiiimmmmm" I was cut off by my little brother.

"About damn time Adam, I've been waiting here for 45 mins!"

"Sorry" is all he said before heading to the boys' locker rooms to changed.

"Hey Kim, How you been? I haven't seen you for a while "Ashley asked, and I can see Ray smiling from the corner of my eye.

"Hi, Ash! Good and you?" I tried to be as short as possible but he was having done of that.

"Been good yea, better now that Ive seen you" oh no!

"Hey Rachel" said Luke

"Hi!" said ray, a little bit too shy. This girl is never shy!!!

"look girls, we're going to a party this weekend maybe you guys wanna come with us"? asked Ashley. Nope thank you, not in a party mood. I said to myself.

"w-what li-like your dates" gosh no Ray shut the fook up.

"Yea, like out dates" said Luke, fook, that's all I could think, I knew Ray wouldn't stop askin til I say yes.

"We'll think about it" I said once I saw Adam coming towards us.

"Great, I hope you guys can come, it will lots of fun"

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