Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Cheryl's POV

I see kim raising her hand, looks like she's about hit us. I close me eyes waiting to take the blow. Ashley used to hit us why should kim be any different? She wanted sex and she got it out of us, and now I'm nothing to her.

I open me eyes when the hit doesn't come, Kim's hand is on her forehead drying up the sweat and can swear I see tears in her eyes but then again I can barely stand on me own so maybe I'm just seeing things.

"go Kimberley, go enjoy your party" I said, and I bite me tongue, if she didn't hit us before now she will. Why did I had to call her by herfull name when I know she hates it.

I see kim grinding her teeth together before swallowing thick, she rests her hand on me cheek and says.

"let me go get our stuff and I'll take you to your room" I can see she's upset at us but kisses us on the head before leading us to sit on chair in the corner.

me head is pounding, me eyes feel heavy, me stomach feels sick and everything is spinning around so I buried me head in me hands and wait for Kimba to get back, if she even gets back.

I feel like I've been waiting forever for kim to come back, I bet she got caught up with Alexis. Gosh, how could I been so stupid, thinking Kim really like us, thinking she was different. Im never good enough, all everyone wants from us is sex, fame, and or Monday.

Fook it I don't need anyone, and I sure as hell don't need Kim and her sweet lips, gorgeous eyes, gentle touch, and- stop it chez stop it you're supposed to be mad at her but she is so beautiful.

I feel a gentle touch on me shoulder, Kimba's gentle touch.

"Right, up we go missy" she says helping us.

"too tired"

"come on chez, just help me get you to the elevator, I would carry you but my arm still hurts" she says, or at least that what I made out of her voice.

I don't say anything because if I do I might be sick all over the floor and that wouldn't be such a good thing.

We managed to get into the lift and kim is pretty much holding all me body weight and I feel bad. I know she still has a bad arm that well its all me fault too.

Im fighting to keep me eyes open for the sake of Kimba, I don't want to be another reason for her to be hurting, I have done enough of that.

"chez, baby come on keep your eyes open.. for me" I look at her and she gives us a small smile that makes me literally battered heart flatter and even when I'm in a mood with her she manages to make us smile.

I straighten meself up and put me hand on kimba's shoulders; she helps me stand still by putting her hands on each side of me waist. I look at her and down at her lips. Why are they so irresistible?

I lean in for a kiss, I see her close her eyes waiting for the kiss, I close me eyes ready to kiss her when the damn lift stops and the door opens making kimba move back.

Wrapping her arm around us she starts to talk, dragging us along with her.

Arriving to our room she puts our stuff on the floor, opening the door she say " Come on, just a couple more steps" and that's what I do, I take a few steps, I honestly can keep me eyes open anymore. Everything is slowly turning black.

Kimba's POV

Finally we reach the room; I place all our stuff on the floor trying to keep Cheryl on her feet. She seems so out of it, just then I thought she was gonna kiss me but I bet its just the drinks acting up.

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