Chapter 20

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Cheryl's POV

The room is far too quiet, Nic had fallen asleep and Katy is out talking to the Doctor about kim's request. I want to ask her why she wants a new room but she has been ignoring us all day, or maybe she was just too excited about being around her family and friends again. Yea that must be it.

Hopefully Katy decides to go home and not stay overnight so I can at least have the night to talk to kimber. Ill make sure Nic goes home, I am sure kim would want to know why I didn't tell her the whole truth about the surgery. Her stupid ex-boyfriend had to whine us up. And I having such a big mouth had to let it get us.

"Kay" Katy said opening the door. I immediately bring me finger to me lips to let Katy know to be quiet.

"she's sleeping" or so I thought she was.

"No I am not" she said with annoyance

"oh I thought you were sleeping"  half smile but she totally ignored me and turned to Katy.

"What did the Doctor say?"

"They will have a room tomorrow, you will have to stay here for the night" katy said with an apologetic smile.

Kimba sighs heavily before saying "whatever" laying her head on the pillow.

Wow she really is a pissy mood.

"do you want me to stay over" katy asked, making the little sofa-chair more comfortable

"no I'll be ok"


"no Katheryn" she raised her voice and I turned to see the flash of hurt across Katy's face.

"It's okay Katy, go home I will be here" I said, hopefully this don't piss kim off.

"are you sure"

"course pet" I smile, showing me dimples and everything.

"is okay with you kimber?" she questioned one more time.

"even if it wasn't, I still have to share room with her. right ?" she said brazenly.

Katy left a couple minutes ago, she apologized for Kim's awful behavior and to be honest I really don't know why Kim is acting this way. I mean we were good before the girls came, even after that little visit from Justin.

I have been laying in this damn bed, doing nothing but over thinking what have I done wrong to make Kim hate us all of the sudden. Well we weren't exactly best friend either but at least I thought we were heading down a good road and now this? She is doing me fucking head in, man.

  I know she is not sleeping, she keeps tossing and turning. Maybe I should get up and talk her? Would she even talk to me? Ugh some many questions and this silence its killing us. I cannot stand this anymore. I got to man up

"Kimba" I said cursing meself immediately for calling her that.

"Kim will do just fine"

"kim can we talk" why am I so scared to talk to her?


"but-" she sits up cutting us off

"but what? What are you gonna say? Some made up shit? Are you going to lie some more? Go ahead, lets hear what The Nation's sweetheart has to say"

"don't need to get like this pet, I just want to talk"

"well better fucking start then" she said rearranging herself on the bed.

I got up and walk to the chair Katy was using earlier.

"why are you acting like this towards us? we were good before the girls came, I don't see why you sudden mood change" me voice is calm and confident, something I am not feeling inside.

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