Synopsis 🌤️

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The summer.

The long holiday that become everyones favourite. Spending time with friends, families - big family exactly, going to events, clubs, party, concerts, playing games, sleeping, and eating delicious foods.

But one thing that makes someone get crazy for the perfect summer is, when she or he meet their true love but break up afterwards.

How can summer can be this cruel to them when others were enjoying their summer so well? Isn't summer suppose to be a holiday that full with happiness and love?

"Two things that im scared to watch, One, seeing how you look at other girls the same way you look at me. Two, i saw you in my dreams again, but this time i hug you a little tighter because i know when i wake up, you'd be gone."

"Dont think that you knew everythings about me. Because you dont. Lets forget everything, you will hurting yourself when you're with me."

"You're being so reckless with my heart."

"And i will destroy everything that i touch. So dont be with me. I knew it was a bad idea in starting something with you."

"I hate you."

"And that's what i want."

My Brother's Girlfriend  || FreenBecky (GG) Where stories live. Discover now