Chapter 18

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Two days passed and start from that day, freen never meet gulf again. She just staying at home or will going out with richie, and billy sometimes. That's makes richie or everyone seems weird and sense something right now. But, freen quickly said that her relationship is not going well with gulf and make a decision to stop seeing him. That's all.

There, rebecca can't describe how happy she is when hearing that.

And somehow, that's incident with gulf not stealing freen's smile or laugh. She still will laugh or smiles when they spending time. Especially when going out with richie or with her brother.

For rebecca, she seem still the same. A mysterious yet cold and rude woman in everyone's eyes.

Today, At night, freen went to the swimming pool, sitting beside the pool with her feet dipped into the water. She sighing loudly and stares to the skies. The skies that have so many stars scatter around it, shining and sparkling proudly. The dark skies makes the stars could be seen.

And i wish you can make me like that, too.

"What are you doing here?" A voices suddenly heard from behind makes she turning her head and lips immediately curled when seeing richie was the one that approached her. He walk and take a sit beside her, also dipping his legs into the pool with a deep sigh leave his mouth.

"Just wondering where is my true love." Freen purposely said, with a little chuckled makes richie look at her and stares deeply. Freen then turning her head, realising how richie staring to her that serious makes she raise her eyebrows.


"Im here, freen. Why you didn't see me?" He suddenly ask with his voices cracked and hearing so upset out of sudden. Freen stunned, staring to him and could see how his eyes was fulled with sincerity yet glistening in happiness. His eyes mixed with desperation, happiness, and hopes.

"What-what do you mean." Freen slightly stutters, softly stares to this one and only Armstrong's son.

Richie suddenly grab her hand as he turn his body to fully facing her. With that, freen's heart slightly skip a beat knowing that richie is touching her in this way. A way that so unusual with another feelings. Another feelings that she never felt before this from him.

"Should i say i like you freen? Should i say i love you? Will you trust me if i say that?" He ask, eyes slightly become withered as if what he said is really trully comes from his heart. But yeah, he serious about this.

Freen gasped, eyes slightly widened and heart thumping loudly. At that moment, she feel like something else. Something that she could not describe. But what she know right now is, her mind was terribly happy and want this. A man that as kind and sweet as richie.

"I love you freen. Im not lying." Richie said once again, eyes already trailing all over freen's beautiful face, staring onto her as if she was a woman that he search all this long time. His hand slowly lift up, taking a strand of freen's hair and stuck it behind her ears. He also slowly caressed freen's cheek and manage to give her a tint smile.

The wind calmly hitting their body, eyes staring deep to each other and freen's hands as cold as ice. Not talking about her heart that already beating loudly. Richie give a tint smile, slowly leaning closer to her with eyes never leave every parts of features on freen's face.

Freen's mind blank as she just willingly to close her eyes, knowing so much that richie will do the next step. And yes. Slowly, their lips collide softly, makes freen clench her hands tightly. Richie kissing her softly and passionately with his eyes also closed, his heart thumping uncontrollably and know that at this moment, freen will be his's.

Forever. He will make sure freen is his and now, its happened.

At that moment too, freen somehow felt that his kiss is somehow right.

Richie always by my side. He makes me happy. He always there when i need someone. He always there and cares about me. Yes. He's a person that cares about me the most. This is what my mind was saying at that moment. Richie is the best choice.

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