Chapter 8

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The next day, a day that start with gathering as everyone was sitting at the living room, with wide smiles on each of their lips. Its a day which they had to exchange a gift towards each other. There, Mrs Chankimha and also her husband was preparing for the dice, with papers that already wrote with a number on each of it. Mr. Chankimha distribute the paper as freen taking the paper, looking onto her number.

8. Her number is 8.

Freen excitedly look to the front again as the dice start rolling when richie take his turn. There it is, stopping at number 1.

"Who is number 1?!" He ask as they all laugh while billy mischievously standing up and wriggling his eyebrows.

"Fuck!" Richie yell, groaning and then laughing hard before he give his gift to billy annoyingly as if he doesn't really that like the fact that he have to give to him. Then, the next round continue again and again among them. Rebecca gulping hardly when keep seeing the others was giving their gifts as in her heart, she was praying that she get freen. No, she dont want to get freen, but she want freen to give to her. She just can't manage to see if freen giving her gift to someone else.

Freen taking the dice and start to toss on the table, dice spinning and jumping before slowly stop showing number 7. Number 7. And there, freen quickly look to each of them, seeing no one standing up before slowly,

its rebecca. Rebecca standing up and stares to her while their parents especially their moms was clapping their hands happily.

"Wow! My sweetie got rebecca! Give your gift freen!"

At that moment, freen gulping and slowly stood up, approaching rebecca with a tint sweet smile, handing the gift that wrapped nicely in the medium size box. Rebecca slowly accept and raise her eyebrows.

"Thanks." Coldly, she said. Freen nodding and take her sit again as with that, rebecca take the dice and throw it slowly too.

Slowly and gently, its turn to a eight number which makes freen gasped and immediately stood up.

"Its me! Its me!" She happily said while rebecca stepping backward and gulping hardly, waving her hand and shooking her head too.

"I-i... i didn't buy the gift yet. Can i-i give to you later?" Rebecca said stuttering which makes all of their family members slightly shock and freen slightly feel disappointed of that. Rebecca? Forget? No way. This is their tradition every summer. Rebecca slowly hide and place the small box inside her pocket before stepping away.

"Its done right? Im going." Rebecca stomping her feet to her room, gasping and holding her chest as if she was relief of something. She slowly taking the small box out from her pocket again and stares to it for a while.

I buy this exactly while thinking of you and for you, freen. But i didn't expect i will get to give it to you today. I thought someone else will get this. I can't, freen. Im sorry, again.

There, she make freen feel another disappointment.


The skies getting dark and the clock show its time which is 11:00PM. Freen looking around the house and could not find anyone but when going to the kitchen, there is Mrs Armstrong that was stirring her coffee, eyes starring and lost in thoughts. Freen slowly approach her, pulling the chair in front of her makes she slightly flinch and look up, before giving a wide smile.

Freen could see the sad face and worriness on her face immediately disappear when she approach her.

"What are you doing here alone auntie?" Freen ask sweetly as mrs armstrong just chuckle and shook her head.

"Just sipping the late night coffee, freen." Mrs armstrong said makes freen nodding and slightly look around as if she was searching for someone. Mrs armstrong could see that actions makes she slighhtly chuckle again.

"Searching for rebecca, freen? She's out just now. I dont know where she is." Mrs Armstrong said makes freen rub her nape and smiling.

"Hm, im searching for her..." She said softly and shyly which makes rebecca's mom smiling and slowly grab freen's hand, rubbing it gently.

"You're still crushing over her, freen? You're still that adoring her hm?" Mrs Armstrong ask makes freen gasped and slightly stunned. She swallowed down her saliva, eyes buttoning wide as that's make rebecca's mom smiling more widely and pat her cold hand.

"Dont worry, i have known it for years, freen. I mean, we. We all could see how you really adore her."

Freen slightly raise her eyebrows and awkwardly smile.

"Y-you guys know?"

"Knew." Mrs Armstrong said and smiling, standing up from her sit and slightly pinch freen's cheek.

"Help me take rebecca's laundry basket inside her room, and place it at the laundry room please. Can you?" She ask as freen immediately nod, but still stun of the fact that rebecca's mom know. And if rebecca's mom know, does this mean her mom also know? God.

"A-alright auntie."

Mrs Armstrong smiling and walk away as with that, freen slowly walking to rebecca's room, seeing how her brown-white decorations was beautifully arranged. She stares onto the details of the room, and slightly sliding her hands onto the neat mattress.

You have such a great taste rebecca.

She thought and then her eyes stucks on the laundry basket that rebecca's mom ask her to take just now. She quickly walk to it and slightly checking into the clothes so that there is no things inside the pocket but when reach to a pants, her eyebrows furrowed when she felt a small box was perfectly place inside the pocket.

Freen slowly take it out and look onto the black small box that wrapped cutely with a red ribbon. With her curious feelings filled up inside her chest, she slowly open the box and could see there was a silver necklace with a cute little tulip as a pendant. There, freen gasped, checking onto the pants again and sure that the pants was the same pant that rebecca wore this morning.

"This is the gift that she bought?" Freen mumbled alone, asking herself and then close the box again, placing it on the small table beside the bed. She lift up the laundry basket and went to the laundry room with her mind was filled with questions and words that she know she can't solve it by herself.

Gosh, rebecca. What's you up to? What's wrong with you?

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