Chapter 33

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The night is deep, the silvery moon is dotted with the dark blue night sky, and the naughty stars are running around, chasing and playing. The stars will hold the moon, and the moon will not be lonely tonight.

Rebecca look around the house, searching for her brother to have a talk. She went to the backyard, and found nothing there as she make a decision the stepping out towards the beach. She walk to the beach and there it is, a figure that she know so well was standing still, head looking up staring the stars on the skies and body lightly blow by the strong winds.

She slowly aproach richie.

"How's?" She suddenly ask, standing beside richie makes richie look to the side, seeing rebecca as with that, he scoffed and look to the night- beach.

"What? You're coming here to tell me you win?" He ask annoyingly and coldly, as rebecca look at him and maintaining her cool and straight face as usual.

"No. Im coming to ask your permission."

"Tsk." Richie chuckled sarcastically and look at rebecca with a annoying smirk.

"Permission rebecca? Permission? You're already take her and you ask for permission?!" This time, his voices a little bit raise up from a normal tone.

"Yes! I ask your permission to give her to me! I knew freen, richie! I know her. She love me but at the same time she dont want to hurt you!" Rebecca said also raise her tone up one octave. Richie smirk and somehow come closer to rebecca and push her roughly makes rebecca step backwards and nearly want to stumble down.

"I love her! She should fucking be with me! Beside me!" Richie yell, hands already clench to a tight fist. With that, rebecca stares to him with a slight fear coming to her heart. Richie was shaking, eyes reddened and lips curled shakily, glaring in really really mad. This. This is what she fear of. Richie's eyes filled nothing, and only hatred, and anger towards her. This is what she scared and fear of. Her brother is looking onto her without love.

"You're fucking kissing another woman that day when you're still together with her! You think i fucking didn't know this?! You're kissing another woman behind her! You're not loving her that much." Rebecca yell and as soon as she finish her words, richie's fist connecting to rebecca's face,hard. It was like getting hit with a hammer, and all she could hear was the ringing in her ears.

She staggered backwards and slightly shook her head.

"Good." Rebecca scoffed and wipe her corner lips that already bleeding a little.

"Punch me as you want, richie. Punch me."

"Fucking shut up!" Richie shout, and punched her again as this time, she fall onto the ground of the beach sands.

"You dont know about me! You dont even know why i did that! I fucking did that because she keep talking about your fucking self, rebecca! Everytime she's with me she's not really with me! Her mind filling with her adoration towards your fucking actions or achievements! Dont talk to me about who's the one that loves freen more! I've always love her. Not you. You treated her like garbage. You push her so many times, you're a coward. Even now, you can't even admit it to my face!" Richie yell as rebecca spit a mouthful of blood onto the ground and glares to richie deeply.

Yes, Richie did that because he's frustrated at that moment when freen keep talking about rebecca. And yes, he tried to remove all his feelings towards freen by doing that, but he's wrong. He's wrong, as he never could forget about freen.

Rebecca's eyes already teary, heart already building up and at that moment, she could not describe the hatred, the fear, the pain or the love that she have towards richie.

"Fine. I love her. Fine, i admit it. Done? Satisfied? And you too, dont act like you know everything about me since you're my brother. No, never. you never know about me." Rebecca said with her voices full with hatred, and somehow shaky as she gather her strength to standing up and walk slowly away leaving richie there.

Richie breathing heavily, staring onto rebecca's figure that walk away with his eyes also already teary. Its just the same for him. Its so hurted.

"I always love freen! Mark my words." Richie shout from behind as rebecca just ignore him while cupping her own cheeks that a little swollen because of the hard punches. Now, its declared. The both of armstrong's children will never being the same as before. Its not the same anymore because of one : which is, freen. A girl that become their true love.

The love and bond between brother and sister just slowly disappear because of that and being replace with hatred.

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