Chapter 16

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After a few days passed, freen can't stop but to think of rebecca. Always. Her painful words, her sharp tongue, her deep annoyed stares but despite all of that, there is one thing that majority stucks and still fresh in her mind. Kiss. Rebecca's kiss.

But one thing for sure right now. She already turn off her feelings towards rebecca. But... is it true? Is it valid the fact that she's not head over heels to rebecca anymore? And after that hurtful day with rebecca too, richie is the only one that stay by her side whenever she's sad. Richie bring her out to let her smiles and laugh, bought her favourite foods and play games together. Only richie. Even though she's not telling him about what makes she sad, richie is still there. With her.

"Sweetie! Here! Take the plates and foods!" Mrs Chankima shout to freen, asking her to serve all the foods onto the dining table as actually tonight, they will have a usual dinner. But tonight its a little different. Gulf is here too.

"Alright mom!" Freen shout before running to help her mom and also Mrs Amrstrong that prepare for the dinner.

Rebecca suddenly came to them too, standing still at the dining table and could see her mom was cutting some salad, mrs Chankimha was arranging the plates and freen walking to her with a plate of rice in her hands. Freen look at her for a second and quickly look away, still walking approaching the table but before she could arrived at the table,

Her feet twisted as she scream with rebecca gasped and rush to her, grabbing her waist with the other hand holding the plate that freen was holding, afraid that it will fall down.

Their mom look at them in shock as freen already breathing heavily but luckily, rebecca is there to safe her. To safe her from totally fall down and make a mess.

Rebecca stares to freen with her eyebrows wrinkled and somehow eyes falling down to freen's lips.

"Be careful will you? You might ruin your beautiful dress and face next time." Rebecca said with her hoarse yet deep voices and stares makes freen gulped hardly and quickly push rebecca away, standing on her own feet again. Freen pouting, cheeks slightly red and look away, continue walking to the dining table and place the plate of rice on the table.

"Luckily rebecca is there. Huh, be careful freen sarocha." Her mom suddenly said and shooking her head. Mrs Armstrong slightly chuckled as they all continue to serve and prepare the foods with rebecca only help a little stuff at the kitchen. The major thing that she did is, only steal a little glance to freen all the time.

After that, they all already gather at the dining table, sitting perfectly with gulf was sitting beside freen. They have a talk with each other, about family and so on with rebecca only become a listener at the table.

"Gulf you know what? Freen is not what you think she is. She's a super disgusting. She peed on the bed when she already 13 years old." Billy said makes all of them burst onto a loud laugh especially richie and billy who right now teasing freen so much. That's exclude rebecca. Rebecca stares to her and just eating her food in silence.

"No! Its when im just 6 years old okay! Not 13!!"

"No~ I saw that and you wash the bed by yourself!"

"And you told me after that right billy?! That's so fucking hilarious!" Richie continue which make freen pouting and sulkingly glares to the both boys.


"Its okay, she's a good girl right now right?" Gulf said after laughing and turn to look at freen with his sweet smile. Freen slightly smile and then stick out her tongue to richie and also billy.

That night, The dinner was filled with laughters and talk, but for rebecca, its nothing but a annoying dinner. A dinner that she wish stop only for today. No next time dinner like this anymore.

That guy, gulf, looking at you with so much love, freen. With his eyes sparkles, lips smiling widely and adoring you so much. And you replied the smiles and stares with the same way how he look at you. Full with love and interest. How i wish its me.

(PS:// For now which team you are? Richie? Gulf? Or rebecca? 🤣)

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