Chapter 26

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The same night too, rebecca taking a deep breath in front of freen's door room, with her hand was holding a cup of hot chocolate. She look around the dark-house for a second, making sure there is no one that still awake.

With a little sigh, she knock the door of freen's room slowly and slightly whispered.

"Freen. Its me. I will get inside." She said in half whispered and slowly twist the door knob, and immediately could see freen was still scrolling onto her phone with back leaning onto the bed's headboard. Huh, still didn't sleep? Its already 1:00AM!

The room was filled with dim-yellow sleeping lights, and the smells of freen's fresh perfume and also scent diffuser.

When seeing rebecca open the door, freen groaned loudly and quickly put down her phone, glaring to rebecca grumpily. That's make rebecca slightly swallowed her saliva and stepping inside the room, closing the door behind her before slowly walking towards freen.

"What do you want?!" Freen ask coldly and face looking so tense. Rebecca sighing loudly and placing the cup of hot chocolate just now onto the bedside table that place only beside freen who right now sitting on the bed.

"Hm. Hot chocolate." Rebecca said and taking a seat beside freen at the edge of the bed. Freen rolling her eyes and somehow hand still slowly grabbing the cup, sipping onto the hot chocolate slowly.

"Ughhh." Freen gap her mouth from the cup, face scrunching and even stick out her tongue showing how bad the hot chocolate that rebecca made. Rebecca raise her eyebrows when seeing her act like that.

"Its so bitter! Uh! You want to tease me or what?!" Freen ask makes rebecca quickly shook her head flusteredly.

"Huh?! No! Im really serious and sincere want you to taste my first hot chocolate that i make!" Rebecca said, slightly pouting her lips when freen didn't really appreciate what she did to her. Yes! She did this for the first time only to persuade her! Freen sighing and slightly shook her head.

"Hm, wait here. I will make the other one! Ugh!" Freen rolled her eyes, slowly scooting herself off from the bed. Rebecca slightly rub her nape, looking onto how freen walking out from the room to make another hot chocolate. She already taste what she made just now... Is it that bad? She thinks its normal for hot chocolate? Or not? Hehe.

When freen going out, rebecca cant help but to stares onto freen's room white-grey decorations that looking so gorgeous. With the yellow light that filled the room right now, its making the atmosphere more calm and peaceful. The room perfectly potrayed freen's real attitude and taste.

When staring onto each of the decorations, the door suddenly open again makes rebecca who still sitting on the bed shot her head towards the door. And yes, there freen is, holding two cups of new hot chocolate that she make and slightly close the door with her feet.

"Hm here. This is what we call hot chocolate. Not the one that you make." Freen handing one of the cup to rebecca while rolling her eyes as rebecca slightly smiling and take it from her hand. Freen then taking a seat beside her, with both of them sipping onto the hot chocolate slowly.

Rebecca gasped, eyebrows slightly raise and look at freen in disbelief.

"mhm! Its good!"  She exclaimed excitedly.

Freen smirking and showing her arrogant proud face when hearing those compliment.

"Of course! Hot chocolate is my speciality." Freen said, shrugging her shoulder and place the cup on the bedside table.

"So what? What do you want with me?" Freen ask makes rebecca sighing and slowly putting her cup onto the bedside table too. She then turn her body to facing freen fully, one leg already fully on the bed.

"Why did you behave so weird just now? Did i do something wrong? I dont know what i did to you, but i just feel like... i need to talk to you?"

"Huh? something weird? Dont know what you did to me?" Freen ask sarcastically and scoffed when rebecca is that clueless when it comes to her feelings. Somehow, this already makes freen pissed off.

"Yes! well. That's absurb." Rebecca mumbled under her breath and this time, rebecca really got on freen's nerve. Freen glare to her, jaw already clenched hardly and chest breathing up and down in a aggressive way.

"Absurb rebecca? Then fuck off! Dont need to talk to me! You're just with your own life then! Go fuck that ex girlfriend of yours!" There, freen burst out her anger in front of rebecca's face out of sudden.

Rebecca scoffed and glaring to freen too.

"What?! Oh so you know that she's my ex girlfriend? So what?! Your problems?" Rebecca sarcastically smirking, slightly annoyed too.

"Yes of course! Who didn't know she's your ex girlfriend when you're acting this devastated and rude to me and even to all of our family members because of her? Because you can't move on from her, right. Tsk. Fuck off!"

"FREEN SAROCHA!!! WATCH YOUR MOUTH!" Rebecca shout in mad, makes freen also can't stop her anger anymore.


"FREEN SAROCHA!" Rebecca's eyes already reddened and teary, hands already clenching the bedsheets, and teeth grinding to hold back her anger.

"What?! tsk. Just get out and go fuck or kiss your woman, rebecca. Im sick of your fucking attitude."

When freen said that, rebecca's jaw clenched hardly as she immediately grab freen hand roughly, pulling her and with a blink of eyes, their lips collide in a rough hard way. Freen gasped, eyes widened while rebecca already kissing her, moving her lips passionately. At that moment, freen's heart jump out of its place, and body felt like flying onto the skies.

She's numb. She's flying over rebecca's kiss.

"Kiss me freen." Rebecca mumbled between the kiss, hand already trail up to freen's pyjamas collar and pull it towards her more. Freen's mind was blank at that moment. Her head spinning, body numbs, the wave of nervousness building up inside her stomach, goosebumps, and chills down to her spine.

What is this? Is this a dream? She feels like she want to slap her ownself to wake up from this dream.

Rebecca slightly groaned when freen still didn't reply to her kiss makes she pull and turn their bodies as freen right now fall down onto the bed, with rebecca hovering on top of her. Rebecca greedily kissing her, biting and exploring her lips while letting out a erotic sigh.

The kiss when down to freen's jaw, makes freen hold rebecca's arm and stretch her neck up as if she was giving her more space.

"You have no idea how much i want to do this for a long time already, freen."

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