Chapter 34

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Rebecca coming back home, hissing and holding her own cheek and keep looking around to hide herself so that no one will see her right now. But, her move immediately stop when she want to step to her room but a voices hearing as she want pass the kitchen.

"Rebecca??" The voice of her mom makes rebecca stopping her move and turn to see her at the kitchen. At the same time too, she could see freen was smiling and talking with her mom but their smile fade as soon they saw rebecca's face.

"Rebecca?! What happened?!" Freen ask, immediately stood up and rush to her, cupping her cheeks. Rebecca hissed in pain as she somehow glancing to her mom who just look at her in worried and wondering what happened.

"Rebecca? Tell me what happen?" Mrs Armstrong ask makes rebecca slightly grinning to her mom and then grab freen's hand. She pull freen towards the chair again as both of them sit on the chair, facing her mom who just now making a coffee.

"I... fall down at the beach. The stone was so big! Huh, i should lift it up and took it away tomorrow.." Rebecca said, lying and give a tint awkward grin. Freen furrowed her eyebrows as she obviously can't really trust this but... uh should she just trust?

"Huh?! Should i ask richie or billy to remove it?" Her mom ask makes becky quickly shook her head in flustered.

"No! Its okay mom! Its okay. Let me do it when im well soon. This is not that bad." She point to her cheek and grinning awkwardly again. Freen scoffed and slightly pinch rebecca's swollen cheek which make rebecca hissed and whimpers in pain.

"Auch! Freen!!!"

"Huh look! Its not that bad huh? It's obviously bad when you're this hurt." Freen said annoyingly, mocking of how rebecca literally said her swollen cheeks and bleeding lips is not that bad. Well, its bad! Her cheeks was slowly turn red-blue, and lips slightly cracked too! Tsk.

Mrs. Armstrong chuckled as freen then stood up, grabbing rebecca's hand.

"Auntie, let me treat rebecca okay? Dont worry." Freen said with smiles earning nodded from Mrs Armstrong as with that, freen immediately drag rebecca to her room with rebecca keep glancing to her mom as if she was asking for help. Help since she know so much that freen will questioning her after this. Her mom then also make a face which sign her to just follow freen without knowing what actually happened to her.

Getting inside the room, freen let rebecca sit on the bed before she went to take an ice to calm down the swollen cheeks and also another kit to clean her wound. Freen then went back towards rebecca with rebecca just staring to her actions. Freen take a sit beside rebecca as rebecca turn to face her while freen totally focus on treating her wounds.

Of course, at that moment, rebecca can't help but to stares onto freen with a little hissed escaped from her mouth while freen just smiling and gently treat her.

"You're are so beautiful." Rebecca suddenly said makes freen raise her eyebrows and smile even more with hands didn't stop doing her works on treating rebecca. Those smile makes rebecca's heart skip a beat. Again. With adoration, she start to talk and ask random thing.

"Three things you love about me. Go." Rebecca said again makes freen stutters.

"Uh.. Um.."

"Seriously freen?"

"E-er your eyes, your smiles, and.. your scents."

"Come on." Rebecca slightly raise her eyebrows.

"What? At least im not saying like some dudes out there which said your butts or your boobs." Freen replied, chuckling makes rebecca scoffed.

"But everything you choose is just about my looks."

"Then? What's wrong with that rebecca? I love the way you look."

"No. Its just.... am i just my looks to you?" Rebecca ask, eyes already withered as that's question makes freen stop from her works and staring deeply and lovingly to rebecca.

"Dont ever say that, rebecca."

"Wanna know about my three things i like about you are?" Rebecca suddenly ask makes freen smile and nodding her head.

"Go for it."

"I love the way you get so cute and excited when you talk about your interest." Rebecca smiles and remembering again how freen is acting that way before.

"I love how your voice get softer and sweeter as if you're craving for my attention when i talk to you or even when i ignore you." Rebecca chuckled when she said that.

" i love how your laugh can brighten up my horrible days, how your simple smile can make my tears turns into comfort. And that's smile makes me not wanting to go anywhere. As if you're cleaning my messy mind." Rebecca said, as this time, her voices hearing so soft, eyes deeply and lovingly stares into freen's eyes, and somehow hands lift up to freen's cheek, caressing it gently.

Rebecca smiling a little and adoring how freen is right now in front of her. Freen is blushing a little, heart crazily beating, and breath slightly get heavy knowing rebecca being this sweety towards her.


Rebecca chuckled. "Yeah, that's my three things."

Freen slightly pouting and wear her sulky face.

"I wasn't thinking that deep. You had time to think about your answers!"

Rebecca raise her eyebrows and chuckled more.

"Nope. I was just saying what comes to my mind, freen sarocha."

Freen look down, pouting even more and felt a little guilty.


"Hey." Rebecca lift freen's chin up, makes freen look onto her face again and could see rebecca was smiling sweetly.

"Y-you know i-i love you right? All of you. Every single parts, i love you." Freen said slightly teary in guilty of her own answer before this makes rebecca smiling and nod her head.

"I know. I know, freen. Im just joking okay?"

Freen somehow caressing rebecca's cheek softly and lean to give a quick peck on her lips. That's make rebecca raise her eyebrows by her sudden actions.

"Everytime you look and stares at me, my heart uncontrollably beat despite that cold stares, rebecca. Everytime you talk or asking me something, i felt like i wish i had that opportunity again and again even though i know you rarely talk to me. Everytime you smiles towards someone else, i somehow wish its for me, or i was the one that being the reason why you're smiling. Everytime you walk with your hand swaying alone beside your body, i wish my hand could accompany you, rebecca. And everytime i saw you with anyone else, i always hope its me, who you're with and who you're always love." Freen said, eyes staring really really deep, drowning into rebecca's eyes.

When hearing this, rebecca smiling widely despite her swollen hurt cheeks and cupped freen's face with her both hands.

"Thankyou, freen. Thankyou. Its you. Its always you." Rebecca said in half whispered, leaning forward and give a soft peck on freen's nose before pulling freen into a hug.

A hug that holds so many feelings that finally being told out and hopes that building up inside them.

(PS:// What do you think about their red flags? Richie's, Freen's, Becky's red flags? And what do you think about their character? What will happened next?)

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