Chapter 24

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After some days passed, finally today is a day where the football's tournament that be held by the woman's society club happen. Freen's team was also including Richie and billy as a player with some of the others which also freen and billy's friends. They were wearing a blue-black jersey as Freen looking around and didn't meet Rebecca at all. Rebecca's name is also not being placed as one of the participants makes freen felt bad out of sudden.

"Where is rebecca, Richie? She's not joining this tournament?" Freen ask, looking onto him makes Richie sighing loudly and shook his head.

"No. There she is." Richie pointed his hand to the crowd of audience, where rebecca is sitting at the seat with her arms crossed to her chest. Somehow, rebecca's eyes was staring straight to her direction makes freen quickly look away.

After that, the match started with freen's team will always lead to the front. They all playing with full focus as Rebecca's eyes always stuck onto that one figure. When she fall down, its make Rebecca slightly move from her seat as if she's that worried to her. Or when seeing she running cutely, Rebecca will chuckled silently with head low down to hide her smiles.

"Rebecca!" A shout hearing as she turn her head and saw a familiar figure was waving to her from the side of the field where the substitute player were sit. She slightly furrowed her eyebrows, seeing how that girl was smiling widely to her.


She slowly stood up from her sit and walk to her as friend immediately jump to hug her. At that moment, Rebecca gasped and stunned on her spot but didn't reply to her hug at all.

"w-what are you doing here?" Rebecca ask while slowly push friend from the hug.

Friend smiling and pointing to her own shirt makes Rebecca raise her eyebrows when saw that she was wearing the same exact shirt like what freen and their brothers wore.

"You playing football?"

"mhm. Billy ask me. Oh by the way my brother is a friend of billy. So yeah, im join only to complete the team as a substitute player." Friend said, grinning showing her perfect teeth. Rebecca slightly nodding her head as with that too, the match end with freen's team winning the match.

Next. Its quarter final.

All of the team members walking to the side of the field at the bench, as Rebecca glancing to freen seeing how she was sweating so hardly and also panting to catch for her breath. Freen grab a bottle of water and suddenly her eyes stuck to where Rebecca is standing with a girl was facing her with sweet smile.

"Ermm... im going to my mom." Rebecca said to friend as she slightly glancing to freen before walking away to the small canopy that also place beside the field.

After for some minutes resting, the next game start as freen can't help but to feel really really competitive and want to win this tournament no matter what. But right now, what make she feel so frustrated in the field is, Richie keep doing mistake and fail to hold the ball. He keep losing the ball.

"Richie! Focus!" Freen shout, eyebrows slightly wrinkled as she felt so frustrated and worried at the moment. Not worried about him. But worried of not winning the game. Three goals lead by the opponent team makes freen cursed under her breath when the half-time whistle blown. They walk to the bench again as freen look at Richie in unsatisfied.

"What's wrong with you? Its quarter final, Richie!"

"I know okay I know! Why did you become mad at me?!" Richie ask with his eyebrows was furrowed hardly, slightly weird and disappointed of how freen is getting pissed at him right now.

Freen sighing loudly and rub her face with her both hands roughly.

"Its okay, freen. We still can catch them." Billy slowly rub her back.

"No. Im sorry but I want you to switch with Rebecca. Please. I need to win." Freen said to richie and somehow eyes already looking around to search for Rebecca. And there, she saw Rebecca was under the canopy with some other older people including their moms.

"Rebecca!!!" She shout, calling for her makes Rebecca shot her head towards the direction. She slightly furrowed her eyebrows and walk to freen and the team.

"Change, Richie." Freen said makes Richie sigh loudly in annoyed and walk away leaving the field while Rebecca raise her eyebrows hearing this. Freen grab a jersey and push it onto her chest.

"Take it and change. Quick. I need to win, and we need to win." There, when freen said that Rebecca slowly nod and run away to change for her shirt.

After that, as expected, Rebecca manage to score and make their team leading again as everytime Rebecca score the goal, freen will run and hug her tightly. Their smiles never faded and somehow at that time too, freen could see how happy Rebecca is when playing football. How her lips smiling widely and sometimes will grinning showing her teeth, her dimples, eyes disappearing and also how she replying to her hug. God, Rebecca make freen going crazy.

Match after match, now its final match.

It's the same, Rebecca and billy being the person that score the goals with their great chemistry as a striker. When the last whistle blown, all of freen's team running together to celebrate their win as the substitute player also running to the team in the field. Audience already screaming, and celebrating the win.

"We win! We win!!!"


Without realising when running in excitement, Rebecca rush and happily hugging friend makes freen at the other side look at her and smile slowly fade from her lips.

"I win! Our team win friend!!" Rebecca happily said and even lift up friend makes friend laughing out loud and also jumping together. Freen grumpily groaned and grab her small towel on the bench, walking away with the most disbelief feelings ever. Serious, she's pissed off of this.

"Freen!" Billy shout, calling for her to take some photos together but freen didn't even turn her head to look behind. Rebecca slightly glance to her with the corner of her eyes, gulping and rub her nape nervously out of sudden.

There, she makes freen annoyed again.

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