Chapter 27

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"You have no idea how much i want to do this for a long time already, freen."

Rebecca whispered, slowly giving a bite and kisses on her jaw and then back to her lips again. Freen's heart terribly thumping as if it will burst out from her chest soon, her breath already hitched, and body heating up when hearing rebecca's words.

Rebecca kissing her again, as freen slowly respond to the kiss makes rebecca's eyebrows furrowed hardly as if she was focusing and sooo into the kiss so much. A little groaned escaped from rebecca as she somehow fixing her position perfectly, hovering onto freen, one hand already hold freen's nape to deepen their kiss even more.

Freen could not take this any longer as she felt herself become a magnet, pulling her body closer and also rebecca closer to each other, basically collide and hugging with lips still connecting savouring each other.

Rebecca's hand reach up and ran her fingers through freen's hair, slightly gripping it with freen already fully lose under her. At that moment, freen know and rebecca also know that the both of them wanting to follow their own heart. Yes, their heart.

"Mmhhmm.." Freen humming between the kiss as she also bringing her hands to hold rebecca's neck, and tracing down to her chest and waist. With a gasped and trembled, rebecca quickly broke the kiss makes their both eyes meeting each other intensely.

Rebecca could see how freen was a little mess with lip's smudges, cheeks reddened and lips slightly parted, releasing a little fast breathing. For freen, its the same. But this time, she could see the gentleness, the warmth, and somehow love that clearly show in rebecca's eyes. Same as her face too. All of this written perfectly.

Rebecca breathing hardly, eyes slightly darkened and withered, and slowly swallowed her own saliva. She's lose under freen's spells. Serious, this time, she's not going to waste time anymore.

She slowly grab freen's hand, and bring it up to her chest, makes freen feel how loud and fast her heartbeat is right now. Its terribly fast!

"Could you feel this freen? Could you feel how much your self affecting me?" Rebecca ask with her voices slightly shaky and lips trembling too. Freen gulp and slowly nod her head, giving a little glance to rebecca's lips which that look makes rebecca saw how hot freen is right now.

"Yes. And its beating the same as mine." There, freen said that makes rebecca clenching her jaw, teeth already grinding hardly. Rebecca release out a loud sigh and slowly leaning down again, giving the kiss in more passionate and gentle way than before. But this time, freen's hands slowly move to rebecca's shirt button, unbuttoning it slowly one by one and know, at that exact moment both of them already giving each other towards each other.

"Are you serious? Freen?" Rebecca ask, slightly gap their lips makes freen slightly smirk, pulling her and bite her lips seductively.

"If its you, you never have to ask permission, rebecca."  Freen whispered against her lips, as with that words too, rebecca push her own head forward, kissing freen again with hands also likely to snap the button's of freen's pyjamas. Kissing after kissing, rebecca broke the kiss and pull up her body, staring onto freen's pyjama top that already fully open, revealling her bare perfect body.

Freen slightly close her chest, biting her lower lips in embarrassed as she's wearing nothing underneath this pyjama's shirt and also short pants right now. Nothing.

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