Chapter 31

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Morning has come.

Richie look around and went to freen's room, seeing the door is not locked makes he twist the door, seeing there is no figure of freen. At that moment, he furrowed her eyebrows and heart thumping with his feets bringing him towards rebecca's room. He dont know, but what he felt that moment is, his heart was dominating with nervousness, and its already beating loudly against his ears.

Richie was about to knock the door but before he could do, the door slowly open revealling freen who was rubbing her eyes in sleepy and wearing rebecca's shirt and pants that richie know so well. Freen gasped and look at him as rebecca suddenly went to them, and raise her eyebrows while richie was wearing his tense face which eyes filled with anger and hatred.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" Richie ask freen with his voices was loud yet so stern with a hint of shaky. Rebecca scoffed and shrugged her shoulder before slightly push freen to get inside the room and she facing her brother alone right now.

"Woa, cool down. We're Just having a night together. why?" She simply answer makes richie scoffed bitterly and head already boiling with anger. Seriously, if its not rebecca or not his sister, he already punch whoever that did this.

Richie glaring to rebecca and rebecca could see his jaw was tighten, and hands already clench to a tight shaky fist. He then just angrily turn around, walking away with billy somehow saw this scene from afar. Rebecca look at billy as he sigh loudly before running to catch for richie who was walking to the outside of the house.

"Richie! Wait!" Billy shout and disappear from her sight. Rebecca then turning around, seeing freen gulping and bitting her lower lips nervously, standing still in front of her.

"Rebecca. Actually...." Freen start talking but her voices was so shaky as rebecca furrowed her eyebrows and walk closer to her.

"What freen? tell me."

"Actually... I-i...." Freen slowly reach for rebecca's hand, holding it tightly and stares to rebecca's eyes deeply. Rebecca could see how freen's eyes likely become so upset and so desperate and that moment. Flustered also written all over her face.

"What is it freen?!" This time, rebecca raise her voices, jaw already clench and breath already become heavy as she sense something so so wrong yet so weird right now.

Freen gulping hardly and slightly pouting, as she hold herself from bursting into cries.

"I-i k-kissed you-your brother, R-rebecc---"

"WHAT THE FUCK???!!" Rebecca yell, hand immediately yank freen's hand away with eyes shaky and teary in madness. At that moment, freen gasped and already biting her lower lips, holding her tears back since this is what she afraid of. She afraid rebecca will go away after knowing this. This is what she already expected.

Rebecca angrily glares to freen as she trying so hardly holding back her own hands that shaky and knuckles turns white from broking things around when she's mad. That's how worse her temper is.

"What the fuck freen???!! You kissed my brother?! And then?!! Fuck! If i know i never---" Rebecca shout and before she could finish, freen already cut her words.

"That's what i dont want rebecca!!! That's what im afraid of! I wont tell you because of this! If you know you never touch me right?! If you know you never let me touch you right?!" Freen yell too, tears already drop onto her cheeks. And yes, rebecca breathing hardly and admit about the facts that freen said.

If she know, she never did all of this. She never. She doesnt want to hurt her brother. And what she only want is everyone around her to be happy. Especially freen and also her brother or family.

"But you fucking kiss him freen! You fucking kiss him! And you know he loves you! So what freen?! You kiss him because you love him---"

"No! I always love you rebecca! I always love you! Please! Please understand me...." Freen's voices cracked as her legs also getting weak and tears already blurring her eyes. She slowly fall down on the floor makes rebecca quickly hold her and kneeling in front of her too. Its hurting rebecca. Its hurting her so much seeing freen crying like this. Seriously.

"My heart always with you rebecca...." Freen mumbled between her cries again as she start to hit onto rebecca's shoulder lighty. Rebecca cant help but to sigh loudly, just receiving those little hit from freen and eyes also start to build the tears but she wont burst it out here. She wont.

"But freen...."

"I will talk to him. I-i wi-will talk to richie about u-us. Please? Can you please wait for me?" Freen ask, hands slowly cupped rebecca's cheeks and their eyes already meeting each other deeply. With that, Rebecca slowly nod, lips slightly force to curl to a tint smile as she can't hide this. She can't help.

Seeing freen's eyes that filled with warmth, determination, desperation, and love, lips that curled to a sweet smile where the most beautiful smile she ever seen, that's make rebecca weak.

She can't lie to herself that she always want freen too. But, is this a good decision? Will freen be happy with her? This is what she afraid the most - freen is not happy with her. Everything will be alright right?

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